Title: The Last
maryficRating: R
Character(s): Spike
Prompt: #015 - The Future
Word Count: 376
The order had gone out three days ago from the Master vampire of Europe. Bring the Slayers. All the Slayers. As many as you can find.
And the minions had obeyed. It was a new system, new times, new minions. These were more on the level of Turok-Han than their ancestors, weaklings. Unable to fight a Slayer if their lives depended on it. Now, the human population of Europe was less than the undead. A lot less.
In the Master’s lair, rows upon rows of cells were stuffed with Slayers, just waiting their turn. A maximum security facility, they had been built especially for the supernaturally gifted girls. One of their own, a Watcher, one of the best, had been taken and turned by the Master himself, and just like that, a gullywasher of Council secrets were flooding the vampire community.
Spike roared from his seat in the throne room, one fist tangled in his right hand vampire’s dark red curls. “Bring me another!”
His followers scurried to obey, dragging in an older Slayer, dirty blonde hair, gagged and bound hand and foot. Fierce blue eyes raged up at him as she struggled in vain, another vampire backhanding her so hard her neck cracked.
The redhead at Spike’s side smiled dangerously. “Look, Master, it’s her.” And you could hear the significance of the word.
Spike rose and walked down to the floor, gripping the bound girl roughly and dragging her to her feet.
“Untie her,” he ordered, tossing her back into the vampires that had brought her. They scrambled to obey, no one disobeyed Spike more than once, and rumors traveled fast.
Buffy Anne Summers, the oldest living slayer in history rose, pushed her hair out of one eye, and came for him.
Everyone stayed back as they fought it out in the center of the room. Everyone knew the stories, she always declaring there was only one vamp that was good enough to kill her; he stating just as firmly she was his to kill, and no one else’.
Now each had their chance, kicks and blows flying faster than mortal eye could see, until he spun her, back to front, in a position exactly like her first death. But this would be her last.