Title: Clouds
maryficRating: PG-13
Character(s): Spike
Prompt: #003 - Daydreams
Word Count: 150
He doesn’t really dream, but occasionally, he will daydream. Not much else to do in this damn chair. Sometimes he dreams of the slayer and how she put him here, his goal of restoring his love and destroying his sire dismantled in one great, fiery crash of bongs.
But more often, to his disgust, he dreams of the past. Of how it used to be, the four of them, traveling the continent and cutting a swath of damage wherever they went. Of his sire, before he did the ultimate fuck-up.
1 gypsy princess
+ ½ of the Scourge of Europe
But every so often, he remembers the distant past, more than a century ago when he was still human and stupid. How the clouds looked in London, rare sunlight making them shine.
Clouds or the glory days with Angelus. He’s not sure which one makes him feel worse.