Oct 10, 2012 10:05
It is the kind of day out there where I got home from the grocery store and then literally sat in the car in the driveway for like 15 minutes just in case it might stop raining for long enough for me to bring the recycling bins back from the curb and get the groceries inside before it started again. It didn't, so in the end I got wet anyway. And cold. Cold fall rain... yuck.
Anyway! Today's to-do:
- clean the kitchen (of course)
- load of laundry (if I manage to wash more than we use every day... at some point I'll get caught up, right??)
- finish front hall
- make turnips, prep peppers & zucchini Laura helped with this... and with some of the other stuff, but mostly with this
- work out grocery list for Saturday cook-off
- who is in charge of Archives? find out
- print out rehearsal schedule, update show binder
- tidy living room & dining room
- call Kate (if it goes on the list every day, it'll eventually get done... I think)