Aug 25, 2005 05:26
A quickie to say HI!. Mom had her surgery yesterday morning. They went in on her right hand and replaced the joints where the fingers meet the hand, and straightened the fingers and fused her thumb. Talked to her on the phone last night; she says she's feeling alright -- no nausea, no pain. I hope that continues.
I promised to post some stuff in here, so here's a new poem I wrote last nite:
I walk through the gathering gloom on the broken sidewalk lined with maple trees.
My hands in my pockets, shoulders hunched against the stiff breeze at my back.
It is September, and the leaves have nearly all turned
Red, Yellow, Brown...
There is a slight scent of decay in the air; I wonder idly if it is going to rain.
I look into the tree above me;
its almost bare branches reaching proudly toward the heavens.
Brave, Patient, Majestic.
Truly, I can feel the presence of the North Wind as it sweeps across the hillside
Sending the leaves spinning madly in the air.
Soon the trees will all be empty of leaves.
The squirrels' nests will lose their protective camoflage;
Exposed, Revealed, Vulnarable...
The land prepares for restorative slumber;
I stuff my hands deeper into my pockets and breathe in the heady scent of Autumn.
The leaves make a shushing noise as I shuffle through the piles on the sidewalk.
The wind sends a few of them dancing around my feet
Fluttering, Ephemeral, Forsaken.
That's all for now...
Love you all vewwy vewwy much.
Jules (Devonie and Dixen, too)
BTW, Kitten, I'm going to be in town on the 6th; I'm going to try to get an entire weekend to come visit soon (after 72 hrs ALONE with the monsters, I want some ME time)