I walked 8 miles with Ann and our mens last Saturday. My hips knew it on Sunday. I wasn't miserable, but a little stiff.
We are less than a month to the marathon. I walked a total of 6 miles this weekend, 2 yesterday and 4 today. And I've been pondering what I want to do for myself exercisewise.
The You book by the RealAge people says that if you do a healthful thing for 3 years, for your long term health and general fitness, it is as though you have done it for your whole life. So, I have 6 months for being "better" and 2.5 years to get to "best."
I need to add some strength training to my routine.
I find that, depending on the day and the mood I'm in, I'm ready to walk 2 to 4 miles just about everyday. Because of that, I have changed my "work uniform." I bought 5 pairs of black sweats and can stop off on the way home anytime I choose to. As long as I remember to have my sneakers in the car.
I like that.
I'm kind of looking forward to being through with the marathon. I am looking forward to doing my exercising without an agenda.
On the other hand, I think I'm gonna sign up for
Revenge of the Grueling Triathlon of Doom. I was one of Ann's cheerleaders when she participated in the inaugural even last Fall and I think I can do it. It looked like a fun way to keep motivated. I will already be in shape for the walking and biking parts. The swimming part intimidates me, though. I gave up being embarrassed by my body in the delivery room, but I have never swum laps in my life, so that is.... gonna be hard.
And Ann found another marathon on the first weekend in November in Wilmington. That looks doable, too.
I'm thinking that 3 in a year is enough to keep me going but not onerous.