Jul 03, 2003 17:26
Today Alicia asked me if I wanted her to have a word with Moira about this extra games practice she has in mind. I do want her to because this is not about getting out of games (which I have never tried to do) but about us being picked on for not liking the same things as Moira. No-one else is being told to do more of the subject they hate most just someone else wants them to. But now Daphne's arguing with Alicia and I don't want to look as though I'm being disloyal to her. She seemed quite cross after she saw me talking to Alicia.
I was feeling awful after that so I went for a walk by myself (inside the grounds, head-girls). I saw little Alice (the second former who was talking to me yesterday). She was sitting by herself crying. I asked her what was wrong and she replied that she had received a letter from her mother saying that her cat had died. Apparently one of the girls in the dormy had taken the letter and was making fun of her for being upset. Some of those second formers are horrible little beasts. I told her about how sad my family were when our old dog died and asked if she wanted me to speak to her head-girl about it. She said she didn't but then looked up at me and said 'Mary-Lou, you are smashing.'
I was quite embarrased by this but she was awfully sweet. I've always wished I had a little sister like Darrell does.