Title: If....
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, angst
Warning: Sexual content
Length: One-shot
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jaejoong thinks back on his life wondering which exact moment would have spared him from the heartache.
shupashta - thank you so much sweetie! You have no idea how much I appreciate your help!
A/N: Written for the
un_scribbled community's If
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oh man. you know it reminds me of how agessssssss back, i read this book, i don't even know what it was. maybe it was about somebody who could tell the future, maybe. but i remembered a line about how maybe, things would have been different if she wore a different colored sock that day. and that's just it. maybe if you wore a different color sock that day, or if you tied that one strand of hair up. maybe everything would have been different. and oh, it's like this picture agesssssssssss back on tumblr, that went like 'i'm sorry that i had to be broken for you to learn something you already knew' or something to that point, you know at the first alternative ending. ohhhh, man. i just can't.
i suppose with love, the highs get higher, and the lows get lower. it's another quote i came across on tumblr too. and mannnnn. it's so good. sooooo good. i loved it so much.
*ugly crying*
I think I was kind of on a subconcious level inspired by the Butterfly Effect, which is kind of the same thing and then not really at all, but they have this thing with changing one little thing in your past and your entire future is different. I think it might be familiar though, because the path Jaejoong is thinking on is one that everyone would do? I think? If that makes sense? I mean I usually do that just a little in my head. Like "oh if I had just left the house one second earlier" or something like that....
And yeah, Yunho had to be broken before Jaejoong realised he could say he loved him.
*pats back* Don't cry sweetie! Thank you so much for this wonderful comment. You have no idea how happy you made me - not that your tears made me happy <3 thank you so much <3
and i googled 'the butterfly effect book' on google. and i came up with nothing concrete. what sorcery is that? because if it's a book, and it actually inspired this thing, oh man. i'm sooo going to hunt in down in the library. like soooo going to. pray do tell!
and mannn. i made a nicest comment? *blushes shyly* but oh, it was so good! it's like there are some things that you just simply want to shove it at people, and press their ignorant faces into. and this's one of them. like 'OH GOOD GOSH, FARKING READ THIS LIKE RIGHT NOW@@@@@@@' kind of thing. hahhaa.
and yeahhh, i was thinking like that today. like just today. i was thinking like if i hadn't forgotten my wallet. if i hadn't slept so late, maybe i'd have caught the bus. i mean we're such desperate little kids. mannnn.
I didn't write this in the intentions of making people cry or move them, but mostly because it was in my head as soon as I saw the prompt - which was 'If'. It just came into my head and as you said, it's just the way we all are all the time! Just this morning I almost missed my bus and I was like "if I had left just two seconds later I would have missed the bus" and stuff like that...
The butterfly effect is a film! ;) Which would be why you didn't find anything. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289879/ - it's nothing like my story at all which is why there are no credits, but after you comments I realised I was probably inspired by it.. ;)
Thank you! I don't even know what to say! <3 You're just too sweet in your comments <3
And for Jaejoong it meant something good not catching the bus, maybe it did for you too? ;)
sigh. you know i went to your imbd link, and i came back with a ton of sci-fi movies. which went to my note widget on my desktop, which has a ton of things that i need to watch, only that the list never ever shrinks. heehee.
and too bad there's not enough yunho to go around, bc tbh, i'm late almost every day. hahhaha. oops. and mine's a little worse. it kinda borders on superpowers sometimes too. when i was younger, and i was getting scolded (my dad usually had a one on one, and i'd stand there while he sat on the bed and the door would be close) and i'd think like if my legs were stumps (iwouldn't feel tired), if i could break the door and run out, if fairies could save me (seriously), if i could become invisible kind of thing. so odd.
and omg. you're the author who wrote the math drabbles! omg. i may or may not have left a comment on it. (i just recently picked up/ developed this habit of leaving a comment on whatever i read just to tell the authors that i've been there) and omg, it was reallyyy good. like really.
If it's the second it made him experience great love, but it also broke his heart.
And nu-uh, in my story they could only meet if it was on that bus *nods like a child* or something..... :b
Hahahaha.. Sorry for that! it wasn't on purpose but the butterfly effect is really good! I'd recommend that to anyone! :b
Hahahahahaha.. That's kind of funny. I used to wish that our car could fly when we were stuck in traffic. But I think that's the weirdest thing. As far as I remember that is ;)
Uhmmm.. *waves awkwardly* Yeah that's me.... I'm actually writing a sequel for that..... Because my friend dared me to do a Harry Potter version! Hahaha.
And yes, please do leave comments, I love getting comments so I'm sure everyone else does too! <3
I'D GO FOR 'OR SOMETHING' THEN! :DD haha. it's the whole 'mind wanders off to explore a whole other bunch of rubbish' like maybe fate exists. maybe not... well, you could write about 'maybe' next. haha. oops.
oh man, was it on your tumblr? hahhaha. i spent a little while stalking you about. the whole er when i was younger i did that thing. yeah, only that i still do half the things now. like i still sleep with my toys bc i don't want them to feel sad. kind of thing. irrelevant~~ anyway, no, oh gosh. i still go like 'man, i wish i could lift the bus up and run in lightning speed. it'd be so much faster than waiting for the traffic to go.' and then i'd stop and be like 'just run without the bus, man.' only that the same 'run while carrying the bus' thought still surfaces first whenever the traffic doesn't move. oh man, we're all so cute.
oh so, now it's gonna be yunjae minus the math but with harry potter? *rocks excitedly* you know i reread the whole story ytd as in the math drabble, and i realised that it was all completely alien to me. are you like a math major or smth or in advanced math. lol. but then again, i probably used to know those things. mehhhhh.
and oh yes, everyone does too. yep. somebody told me that too. and then i picked up the very very very good habit of commenting. yep. OuO
But yeah it is kind of a stasis in some way or another.
Hahaha.. YOu do what your head makes you do ;) Ohhhh.. A maybe sounds like a good idea! Maybe it'll be even angstier! Hahahaha.. Sorry but in my head comes the sentence "and maybe if he just walked over and talked to him, maybe, just maybe, he'd actually have a chance. The end." Or something like that ....
No I haven't posted it yet... *is now scared* Hahahaha.. :b
And yeah, the world is filled with cute people and weird fantasies when we're in a hurry... hahahaha...
Nah.. I'm a dentist students, but I took maths as A-level in college/high school. But yeah it'll be YunJae plus the math plus Harry Potter. It's a sequel, so it's the same story, just using Harry Potter themed pick up lines... :b
It's a very good habit and I loooove your comments <3
mannnnnnnnnnnn. it would have been wayyy cooler if you peppered your speech with that. like 'i couldn't wake up, ergo i was late.' mannnn. it's like one of the words that you kinda forget exists, you know? mannnnn.
but coming to think of it, 'maybe' 's kinda 'if'ish. like they usually come together as a couple, like 'maybe if.' like: 'maybe if' he had caught the bus, i think. oh man. i'm totally not suited to think rn. hahaa. i just woke up from a nap. OuO
but oh man, your sentence was really good. *OMG* you know like er, like OMG. you know james blunt- er you know it's momenta like this. you know how things justcome to you in a rush? okay, you know like the james blunt (?) you're beautiful song, about the subway, and maybe it could be like a prose about strangers meeting, and like maybe they were sitting opp each other, and yunho couldn't stop staring. and then maybe (omg, the use of maybe s) he looked down for a moment to check the time at the a station, and lollll, jj left. lolllllll. OMG. AND OMG. he could like paste a notice along the station, (omg, raddddd) like you know those uber cool take-a-slip notices, like those you know those papers *gets more and more flustered* you know like those papers with houses for rent, and the bottom would be cut like fringe tops, and each tentacle would have a number attached? and then he'd wait and he'd wait and he'd wait, and then finally there'd be an unknown number displayed on his screen, and his heart would be in his mouth as her presses answer. and then *THE ENDDDDDD!*
the ultimate stab in your heart. amen.
okay, get cracking now. lol. or we could write a (HAHA) version a and b, HAHAHHA WITH THE SAME PLOT, AND HAHAHHAHHA. HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA. i'm like sniggering really unladylike at my screen. noisy, harsh barks. hahaa. *i'm a dog!* oh no! lolll. no.
OMG, AND YOU'RE IN DENTISTRY RN IN COLLEGE? MANNNNN. you know that's like my dream job? like i've always wanted to be a dentist? not always, i suppose. but kinda like for ages? omg. i'm amazed. well, you're living the life i've always wanted. *sighs wistfully* why, you're really lucky... *wry smile with my chin propped on my hand*
so it'll be like 'let me ride your broom'/ 'you just wingardium leviOsa-ed my wand' kind of thing? mann. *all the bad jokes come rushing in* haahaahaha.
oh, because i prattle on endlessly? haha. but it has to be really good though. as in the story/ chapter. like if it isn't very good, i wouldn't have much to say. haha. so yeap, did you get the subtle message? hahhahahhahah. OuO
Well.. I'm from Denmark and the word 'ergo' is so much more widely used, so I wasn't thinking about it when I used it ;) Hahaha. I do use it here and now - mostly in Danish though ;)
hahaha.. We'll see what comes into my mind. I have just too many ideas and too little time. But I'll have lots of things to write during the summer then :D Yay.. Unless I manage to get a job and don't have time for that ;) Hahaha... But yes, 'maybe' is definitely added to the list.
You sound.... charming ;) Hahaha... Nah, I'm just kidding ;) There's nothing wrong with crackling madly at the prospect of breaking your characters' hearts.
Yeah.... I'm in my second year. I didn't want to become a dentist before two weeks before our deadline to apply for university. I always thought medicine was what I wanted, but I changed my mind last minute.. Hahaha.. But yeah, I'm happy where I am and I'm not doubting for a moment (okay yeah I am just right before an exam always doubting) that it's the right choice. ;) You should definitely go for it! :D You still in high school then?
Yeah exactly like that actually.... Well I've got "I'd like to be whomping your willow tonight"... And others, but going to keep those secret ;) Hahahaha.. :b
Yeah I got it *squishes* Thank you sooo much <3
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