TV Hottest Women Meme! After all shallow *still* is the new deep ;)

Jan 09, 2009 19:20

It's the ladies' turn :D

These are the rules:

1) Compose a list of your top ten sexiest famous women (again, I limited myself to gals who currently star on stuff that I actually do watch).
2) Collect one picture of each gal on your list.
3) Post them in your journal/blog.
4) Tag 3 people to do the same (I don't do tagging, if you want it's yours).

Perkins is one great looking wise lady (see how I dodged the word "old" there? You're welcome, Lizzie lol)! Plus, she's fantastic as Celia in Weeds :) We'd all be so lucky to age this gracefully, I tell you...

There's something quite odd about Marley's face. I believe it's something that has to do with her eyes. Anyways... it doesn't really matter, 'cause it works for her. She's rather cute, whether babysitting doc Hood or kicking some baddies' asses.

Oh, lovely Joan... A woman with real curves! That's new to this industry. Hendricks' curves matched with that cute red hair and gorgeous emerald-green eyes are a winning combination.

There's something quite delicate and feminine about Natascha's features that catches my eye. Mrs. Moody is very charming and definitely deserves a spot among these pretty ladies.

Look at that lady! She's adorable! I can't get enough of Lisbon's 100 different cute facial expressions. Robin sure knows how to work her petite-ness ;)

Funny *and* pretty. Christina seems to have a good deal going on for herself. Although, in all earnest, I find myself laughing harder at Jean Smart's Regina than at Christina's Sam. Oops... :D

Who can resist Chuck Charles? Really, who?! Anna, allied with the *fabulous* wardrobe of Pushing Daisies, makes it impossible to not find Chuck a freakin' adorable ex-dead chick.

*Now* we've reached hot territory! StraHOTski definitely is one blessed female specimen. Damn good genes! No wonder Chuck is all ga-ga over her. Anyhow, spy or not (hot or not, really) Sarah is my favourite Chuck character. There's no denying at this point...

Mary-Louise... not only stunning, but the lady can actually act as well. I've always admired her acting chops on the big screen, and it was a delight to greet her on the small screen in Weeds. Nancy Botwin is one of the most complex tv characters... ever. And M-LP plays her geniously. Bravo, my dear :)

Who knew January Jones could act, huh? I sure did not! Wait, was that harsh? Perhaps, but it was a compliment, really. 'Cause the lady is not at all just a stunning little face paired with killer blue eyes! The gal can hold her own and even outshine some of her talented Mad Men peers, all that while wearing impecable 60's clothes that suit her like second skin. January definitely surprised me (and that doesn't happen very often) as Betty Draper. For all that she gets the number one spot ;)

That's all there is! End of list. Now I'm jealous, ladies *lol*

pic!spam me, meme

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