Fandom Meme...

Jan 02, 2009 15:04

To bid 2008 adieu...

Your main fandom of the year?
Probably Chuck. It got me good.

Your favourite film watched this year?
Gosh, complex question... La Môme, or perhaps Sweeney Todd.

Your favourite book read this year?
A Transatlantic Love Affair: Letters to Nelson Algren by Simone De Beauvoir. Without doubt. What a... *fantastic* broad, that little Frog.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
Well, last year I expected and heard a lot Jenny Lewis' "Acid Tongue" and Ryan Adams & The Cardinals' "Cardinology".

Your favourite TV show of the year?
House or Chuck. Can't decide.

Your favourite LJ community of the year?
indie_exchange for sure.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Pushing Daisies. I still can't believe it got cancelled. Damn those bloody stupid suits who are allowed to make these big decisions! I'll miss it dearly. RIP.

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
*lol* Silly/Lame question. But ok, I'll buy it. Don "Hot Stuff" Draper. Aww... Don't be jealous House. I'll still keep you in my back pocket :D

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Still silly/lame. But girlfriend? Did I switch teams and forgot to inform my own self? :) Well, I'll buy this one as well. Teresa "100 Cute Facial Expressions" Lisbon. However, maybe, it has to be someone who already plays for the other team. In that case, I'll go with the good doc who cuts both ways: Thirteen.

ETA: Retraction here... Forgot about Betty Draper. That's my first pick.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
The special footage from the 1st X-Files movie where Mulder and Scully actually get to kiss. One hell of a kiss, I must add. No bloody bee this time. Precious!
PS: YouTube link =

The most missed of your old fandoms?
Hmm... Probably Dead Like Me. This tv movie buzz makes me miss it.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
None really. No, I take that back. Maybe In Treatment.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
For my shows to return with fresh epis? ;)
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