One down...

Apr 26, 2008 09:00

I finished my website project last night, which is total happiness.  I was even able to dawdle around on it and do other stuff while I was working because I was ahead  - go me!  Submitted a full 12+ hours early!  I hesitate to show off my very paltry (read zero) and embarrassing web skills, but I'm so excited that I was able to put the thing together at all that I'll post the link below anyhow:

Critical Expressionism Project

I still need to put the credits on for the fan art in the background, but I'll have to move it to a new server in a few days, and I kind of doubt my instructor is too worried about that aspect of the site.

Now onto the Psychoanalysis and Science paper, which I am not so ahead on (20 pages, due Monday).  Paprika and Lacan await.
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