I've just had a 'chat' with my manager.
It seems the way I have been dealing with some calls is not using the correct protocol for the desk.
When a call comes through and I answer and the person on the other end says they were speaking to so and so and the problem they said was fixes was in fact not fixes, I would pass that call to so and so on the understanding that, as they had already dealt with the problem they would know more about what to do next.
However. It seems this is the wrong way to do it.
They want the person who takes the call to own the call.
Even if it was originally owned by someone else.
So to summaries
I take a call and if it is about a problem that is ongoing. I will pass it to the person with the most information about the problem and therefore the best chance to fix it.
What I should be doing is keeping the call and try to fix it myself. Even if this means going over the same things that have already been tried.
I think my way is better.
But of course, that is only my opinion.
But the fact I've been on this job on average five years longer than most other people here (including my manager). The fact I'm top when it comes to calls taken and fixed and customer service. Should, perhaps, put a little weight behind my way of doing things.
But no. I shall be towing the line and doing as I'm told like a good little first line call taker.
I really don't get paid enough for this.