So let me slip away

Jun 01, 2006 12:49

I really don't understand how I can continue to lose weight by just eating fast food all week. This is so bizarre. If anything I'll probably die of uber high cholesterol, unless that Juice Plus+ stuff I'm taking is balancing it all out. *shrug*

This "learning to juggle" business I have to accomplish for psychobiology is pretty much driving me crazy. Come on. It's me. Practically no hand-eye coordination. You really expect me to juggle? I haven't juggled since like the 4th grade and that was scarves. Scarves, I can do. Balls? Eh not so much. But a bajillion extra credit points are on the line for it the sooner I get it done. Curse you.

And I'm pretty sure I've sold my soul to Myspace on account of me being on it all the bloody time. This will undoubtedly be the downfall of human face-to-face communication as we know it.

Just so you people know, Superman Returns is going to be playing earlier than the 30th. As soon as the 27th at 10:00pm or so I hear. I'm thinking regular theaters for opening day, and then IMAX 3D over the weekend. Si? Oh and if you haven't checked out the website yet, you should because it is PIMP.

Man I really hope that M.Night Shymalan won't screw up this new movie (The Lady in the Water). I saw the entire trailer the other day and it looks pretty good, better than the teaser trailer lets on. *puts on watch list*

I'm on one of my cooking urges again...

....meanwhile blocked on what to do on my canvas and the novel. *sigh*

I've been neglecting the LJ lately. It's hard to keep up with 3 different blogs, hence the cut-and-paste method lol And while this blog may seem totally trivial, it only means a better one is bound to come eventually right? Correct. So stay tuned I guees.
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