It's time to sign up for your posting dates! Due to the smaller number of participants this year, we are shortening the posting period. Posting will now run from Sunday, 17 November to Friday, 6 December. Due to the limited number of stories, we're only allowing a single story per day. But there are plenty of dates! Pick the day that's best for you
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Author(s): Water-Soter
All accompanying fanwork creators: Water-Soter
Title of fic: Rowing Man
Choice 1: Thursday, December 5
Choice 2: Wednesday, December 4
Choice 3: Tuesday, December 2
Do you have a summary of your fic?
Sorry, I was just trying to edit my comment to include it.
Summary: Scott couldn’t feel his hand. It was becoming a problem. After half the population of Utopia leaves, the X-Men face a new enemy while Scott recovers from nearly being killed by Wolverine and the Master Mold. X-Men Comicverse.
December 5 is yours!
We don't need to see an updated summary. It's just our way of making sure that solo and tandem participants wrote a story that fits our bang guidelines.
Got it, Thank you so much!! :D
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