It's time to sign up for your posting dates! Due to the smaller number of participants this year, we are shortening the posting period. Posting will now run from Sunday, 17 November to Friday, 6 December. Due to the limited number of stories, we're only allowing a single story per day. But there are plenty of dates! Pick the day that's best for you. Claiming a posting date here counts as the final check-in for your entire creative group.
Tandem and solo participants: you must send us a summary of your story before you claim a posting date. Posting date claims made without sending in a story summary will not be honored. Summaries can be submitted via email or PM, or included with the posting date claim comment.
We will have more specific details about the process of posting soon, but we do want to be clear that each story will have both the complete fic and any accompanying fanworks posted on the same day. Only one representative from each story needs to select a date. Before someone from your creative team claims a date, make sure that everyone involved - the author(s) and everyone making an accompanying fanwork - can post on that day.
When you comment, please list three dates that you would be able to post and include the following information:
All accompanying fanwork creators:
Title of fic:
If you leave any of the above info out, we’ll ask you to repost your comment with the missing info added in. We will not hold your preferred dates for you.
We will do our best to confirm dates and update this list as quickly as we can, but you may want to check other comments before claiming to make sure your date is still available. Mod schedules are very hectic at the moment, so we appreciate your patience as we confirm claims.
Posting Dates
Sunday, November 17
Monday, November 18
Tuesday, November 19
Wednesday, November 20
Thursday, November 21
Friday, November 22
Saturday, November 23
Sunday, November 24
Monday, November 25
Tuesday, November 26
Wednesday, November 27
Thursday, November 28
Friday, November 29
1) What He Needs
Saturday, November 30
1)In the Wake of Victory
Sunday, December 1
1) Dear Soldier (tentative)
Monday, December 2
1) Between Iron and Ice (tentative)
Tuesday, December 3
1) Stay Secret, Not Safe
Wednesday, December 4
1) The blind Hawk
Thursday, December 5
1) Rowing Man
Friday, December 6
1) the love we lost