Jul 17, 2008 15:43
Not quite that extreme, but an update on my 'stuff' is in order.
My book, "First Duty," a pure scifi action book is a month and a half old. Hey, happy birthday, Nyra! I've got the final cover posted as my avatar.
I say "pure scifi" because the book does not have any paranormal superpowered alien vampire sex romance stuff. Good old fashioned spaceships, kick butt, blasters, space battle, rebellion scifi. Refreshing, eh? Haven't seen that since Star Wars.
My WIP is coming along nicely, as well. I've got a synopsis trimmed down to an engorged 1400 words. As my friend, Liz, said: Any agent who wants a single page synopsis is anal retentive and you wouldn't want to work with them anyway." Thanks, Liz. You're a great critter and philosopher.
Since the second book of "The Witches of Galdorheim" is nearing the finish line (huffing puffing stumbling headlong), I guess I'd better start thinking about the third. I really admire Hal Spacejock writer Simon Haynes and his multi-book, very funny series. Bless him. I hope I can emulate a quarter of his skill and success AND the ability to keep writing about his favorite character.
I am fortunate in writing for the younger audience. A 40K-50K book is half size and easier to write. I don't need no steenking descriptions! Well, maybe I do after all.
I hope you're all enjoying the hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer. And something about pretzels and beer. I forget. Comes with age.
science fiction