I took an exam today. It was incredibly boring. Seriously, I hate exams just for that reason, they're boring. Meh. I probably won't pass either, so I have to retake it. Nevermind that this was the third time I took it.
Also, it is snowing.
Also, also, I seem to be writing various kink meme fills. Yes, even for that dreaded
blindfold_spn I found out that there's a list on delicious all the requests live with kinks and so on, which makes it easier and less painful to skim. So if you find consensual het or femslash it might be something I've written :p
I took a bath earlier this evening, and had a glass of red wine. It was very extravagant until I got heart palpitations and thought I was going to die. What the Hell, body? Why do you hate me so?