More AU and some insight about Performers~

Mar 18, 2008 00:12

Title: Strings of Fire - for nkfloofiepoof
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Pairings: Implied Blaster x Soundwave, hinted Optimus x Starscream (one sided for now.)
Characters: Blaster, Soundwave, Rumble, Frenzy,Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Jazz, Optimus, Megatron, Sentinel Prime, mention of Ultra Magnus and Starscream.
Summary: AU - Partly using Dreamwave's comics as basis. A re imagination of Cybertron's society where the line dividing slaves from nobles is so thin.
Notes: A gift fic for nkfloofiepoof but also part of my AU. I guess it's a precuel of sorts, Soundwave, Rumble and Frenzy earn the title of Performers. It's her idea these two play this song, XP

The 'newest' composition they are playing is Strings of Fire
Equivalent for Violins = Rumble and Frenzy.
Equivalent for Percussions = Sunstreaker.
Equivalent for Electric Guitar = Jazz.
Other various accompanying instruments = Sideswipe.

Not beta'ed, so feel free to correct me.

"It's customary," Frenzy explained calmly while he reviewed the pad containing the composition he and his twin, Rumble would be playing later that night.

"It's customary for Starscream to offer a performance for his crush?" Rumble raised an optic ridge behind his visor.

"It's customary for performers to offer a small show to be rewarded with their scarves, Rumble." If Frenzy could have rolled his optics at that moment he would have done so.

"I just find a little too convenient we have to perform for the Prime's family," the blue and purple twin shrugged and studied the composition as well, trying his best to sit still while Blaster fumbled with the panel on his back where his musical instrument generated. "Aren't all performers supposed to have this little show in a festival of sorts with Ultra Magnus as only honor guest?"

"Usually," Frenzy admitted, peeking over the data pad containing the notes to their creator, Soundwave, prepared for them. "But we belong to the second most important family in Cybertron, it's expected Starscream's performers to be presented to the Ruling family in a private show."

"Wonderful," Rumble dripped sarcasm and shook his head. Unlike his twin, he wasn't looking forward to performing before the most important family in Cybertron and the current bearer of the Matrix.

"Your instrument is ready, give it a try and tell me if something isn't working right." Blaster closed the panel in Rumble's back carefully and took a few steps away to give him room to summon the instrument.

Soundwave watched silently, although he wasn't performing with his twins, he, too, was going to change his status along with them, as he was the composer of every piece the cassette twins would be playing that orn.

After some quick testing of their shared instrument, the twins made sure they were presentable for an occasion such as this and followed after Soundwave when Dirge came looking for them.

Rumble would never admit it, but he was nervous, standing alongside his twin brother in the large stage before a select group of influential Cybertronians, with the whole ruling family in the honor positions.

It was a tradition for Performers to be officially recognized as such in a collective show where many performers would play together before a large audience to demonstrate their prowess and earn the official status. The occasion was usually supervised by Ultra Magnus, who would then remove their slave armlets and provide them with the symbol of the new status, a scarf.

Noble-born performers often held smaller, private shows with Ultra Magnus and an audience consisting mainly of prestigious noble families.

However, since Rumble and Frenzy belonged to Starscream, future High Priest of Cybertron, they were going to perform for the ruling family, and their current ruler, Sentinel Prime, was going to be the one to strip them of their slave armlets and invest them with their performer scarves.

Rumble looked over his shoulder for a moment, standing behind the short cassette twins, were three other high profile performers, considered some of the best in Cybertron. The noble twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe and the slave performer, Jazz.

Rumble had heard their music before, but this was the first time he actually saw them in person. The performers were there under Sunstorm's request to provide back up for the pieces they were going to interpret for the ruling family, and thus, their audience included the family who owned Jazz and Sunstreaker's and Sideswipe's family.

When the three performers behind them began to play the initial background for one of the first pieces they ever learned, both Rumble and Frenzy cycled air deeply and willed their shared instrument out from its compartment, each half guarded on the panel Blaster modified on their backs.

The instrument was like a long weaving stream of glowing strings that twisted and tensed at their command, enlarging or shrinking depending of the distance each twin put between one another. Familiar accords were played by the trio of performers behind them and the cassette twins played the lead.

After a couple of their more familiar numbers, Rumble felt completely relaxed and very much into his playing, just like his brother, forgetting for a few moments who he was playing for as he and his twin began to play the newest composition Soundwave prepared for the occasion.

The piece fluctuated in rhythm, with a slow, solemn start which faded quickly into a more cheerful piece, Rumble and Frenzy's playing dominated the melody entirely, with just the minimal accompanying percussion provided by Sunstreaker to match their piece.

Frenzy smiled a little to himself, lost completely in his music when the third change of rhythm into a more fast paced part began. So engrossed into the beautiful notes, the black and red twin began to bang his head gently when Jazz joined the composition with some backup strings of his own.

Rumble followed his twin's example, and soon enough the world around them was forgotten and all their concentration and focus was in producing the accords of the composition. So lost in their own world of music and their own playing, they could barely notice a couple of members of their audience were clapping to the rhythm of their music.

When their piece was over, both Rumble and Frenzy were smiling with satisfaction, and anyone could see in their faces the joy music brought to their sparks, their talents undeniable.

The audience, including the Prime himself rewarded their show with a standing round of applause. And when the Sentinel Prime motioned for the twins to approach him, Rumble was still so full of energy from their playing, he managed not to faint when he came to stand before the massive mech. Under different circumstances, he probably would have fainted, but at that moment he was still feeling the rush of excitement coursing through his entire body.

Sentinel Prime ordered Soundwave to approach as well and carefully removed the armlets which were incredibly tiny for his massive fist considering the size of the cassettes. Megatron and Optimus held out the pieces of cloth for their father, who, once again, with great dextery wrapped the scarves around the necks of the three slaves.

Many were very surprised to find out Soundwave could compose music and write beautiful lyrics, his monotone voice and apparent lack of emotion made it hard to believe he could produce pieces so enticing and full of emotion. It was this talent what earned him the Performer status, even when Soundwave had yet to show to anyone, his twins included, if he had any ability to play an instrument of his own.

Once the three slaves were granted the status of performers, Rumble and Frenzy rejoined Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and Jazz on the stage, and played a for several joors for their audience.

soundwave, imperium cybertronium, au, gift fics, blaster, rumble, frenzy

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