Title: It's More than a Feeling - Heart. War. (08/30)
Day: Sept 08
Prompt: "Oblivious"
Verse: G1/ War for Cybretron slightly AU
Rating: PG 13
Words: 847
Other Characters: Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Megatron.
Warnings: A little dark, but just a pinch.
Summary: Optimus' Autobots were oblivious.
Notes: For the Sexy September challenge @
prowlxjazz. Happy Anniversary to all in the pxj community, here's to many more to come. This piece is not beta-read so feel free to correct me. Barely made it, I'm sorry! This piece is based somewhat around the WFC novel Exodus and contains a few spoilers so if you're intending to read this novel and don't want to be spoiled, please avoid this entry.
Optimus Prime looked down at the grounds of the Hall of Records in silent contemplation. His Autobots enjoyed what few moments of peace they could take during the ongoing war. There was some joking here and there, some mechs that were sharing some friendly bickering.
They were all oblivious to so many things around them, to the watchful glances of his two 'guard dogs'. No Autobot noticed them, ignoring them in their own friendly banter and conversation about only Primus knew what, but Optimus knew that while they were apparently lost in their own little world, they watched like raptors stalking prey.
Many of Optimus' Autobots did not know all Prowl was capable of, knowing only what basic information was public knowledge such as his role in the militia and as a civilian police officer. They knew him to be a stickler for rules and regulations with a rather dry wit and sense of humor that somehow managed to make himself essential for Optimus' army.
Few had the chance to see him all out in a fight where he showed he was as deadly as any brash warrior with the addition of a quick mind to help make the most out of his own capacities. But furthermore, Prowl wasn't just a deadly mech in combat when he had to be, his processor could be downright malevolent.
The Autobots Prowl commanded were all oblivious to the deep rooted feelings their squad leader had whenever they headed into a battle or specific mission. They were all oblivious to the fact the tight aft of a commander, one of Optimus's top mechs was rooting for something worse than just revenge, like Ironhide.
Optimus could understand him, he shared somewhat similar feelings but his were less angry and more of mere disappointment and hurt. But for Prowl what happened at Praxus was more than just the loss of all that his life had been up until that moment. Praxus, being the most liberal of cities as far as thinking, social and political views went was the first place outside of Kaon and Slaughter City that saw Megatron's demands as valid. A revolutionary and vanguardist point of view in a society that was stagnated in a form of pseudo peace that was but a facade.
Praxus' citizens, even the strict Prowl, saw Megatron's discourse as a fresh point of view, a call to remember what their species used to be and bring down a system that was slowly but surely strangling their society towards its extinction. But Praxians were also the first to reject Megatron's ideas as soon as the freedom he clamored for became encroached by Megatron's sinking into megalomania, still remaining supportive of his original message but certainly not his methods and new objective.
Then, Megatron struck. There was nothing left of Praxus but a handful of survivors that in their anger joined the Autobots. Ironhide had been one such mech, but Prowl was the more dangerous of the pair. Prowl took the attack as something personal, as a treason of the trust that Prowl once laid on Megatron's promises and views. No one knew it, but Prowl had held for some time a faint hope that Megatron would come to his senses and return to the path he had deviated from and all he got for his hopes was the destruction of his home, of his life, of everything he once cared.
Prowl felt personally betrayed, just like Optimus did. But unlike Optimus, Prowl had a great amount of deep rooted anger that he hid well from others. That was when Jazz came into the picture. They didn't seem to get along the best when they first met and interacted, Prowl was more involved into the cause personally while Jazz was there not only because of his personal conviction, but mainly out of support to Optimus, his friend.
Whatever happened between the two Optimus wasn't quite privy to, he couldn't afford the time to dig into their personal interaction, but he knew that the only thing that now kept Prowl's darkest thoughts in check was Jazz.
Prowl took to help training Jazz to become an even better and more disciplined soldier and fighter and down the line their friendship strengthened. They were both becoming a very deadly pair, to the point Ratchet began to call them 'his watch dogs'.
Optimus knew that he was the embodiment of Prowl's and Jazz's hopes, the champion that could help to bring an end to the nightmare their kind had been pulled into. And as such, the both of them were his protectors, his spies. His Autobots didn't know it, they were oblivious. They had no idea that every time they spoke, each word was carefully monitored by Prowl and Jazz, and should something be deemed a potential threat...Optimus didn't want to think about it. He was only too thankful that so far, neither of his protectors had found reason to suspect the loyalty of any Autobot they came across.
And he prayed to Primus that they never did, for his sake and theirs.