Challenge Day 7 I always associate this song with Prowl~

Sep 07, 2010 22:19

Title: It's More than a Feeling - Very Handsome Awkward (07/30)
Day: Sept 07
Prompt: "Leather"
Verse: Bayverse AU
Rating: PG 13
Words: 2647
Other Characters: Maggie Madsen.
Warnings: Violence, badly written action scenes. Humanized Female Jazz.
Summary: Being a member of a special task force sometimes meant undercover work. Jazz is only glad that she's never alone in her covert work, her Autobot Partner is always close.
Notes: For the Sexy September challenge @ prowlxjazz. Happy Anniversary to all in the pxj community, here's to many more to come. This piece is not beta-read so feel free to correct me. There's fanart that sort of goes with this, but I won't be posting that tonight just yet, 'cause I'm not finished. This piece fits in my BV AU Stand Alone Complex. It's not imperative that you're familiar with Stand Alone Complex, though, suffice to say Jazz is a human female here and she works in a special force where Autobots and humans cooperate outside of military efforts and the Autobots are known to the population by now. This piece is not beta read, so if I screwed something feel free to point me to it.

Jazz looked through the selection of shades laying on the bed, all had varying shades of blue tinting, a few were clear enough for her eyes to be seen -she rarely used those as she felt they exposed too much-and some that were so dark that looked nearly black if not for the blue reflection of the glass.

"What d'ya think?" She asked and turned her glance at the Dodge Charger interceptor that rested on the far end of the massive room, close to the wall.

"The mirror coats."

"Hmm..." Jazz picked up the suggested glasses, the lenses were covered with a blue reflective coat that gave a mirror effect. It was perfect for her to see through without anyone being able to see she was watching, and they definitely matched the rest of her guise. "Yeah, these'll do."

She turned to the vehicle sitting on the room once more. "Okay, I'll get showered, care t'get this stuff unpacked for me?"

"All right." The sound of parts shifting and re-arranging themselves almost drowned the soft reply as Jazz got into the bathroom to shower. The interceptor, Prowl, knelt close to Jazz's bed and with dexterity he began to extract items from a sealed package. A pair of tight, form fitting pants were laid with great care by two white claws, followed by a leather bustier and several accessories crafted either with real or faux leather.

By the time Jazz strode out of the bathroom the whole get up was nicely laid down on the bed for her. "Thanks, Prowl." She smiled at her Autobot partner holding her towel in place with one hand, the other still wrapped around her head. "Guess I'm a bad girl tonight, huh?"

"Lead guitarist. You'll be closest to your charge in that position."

"Yeah, I thought it'd be somethin' like that. Good thing I can actually play th'thing, it'll make my cover more believable." Jazz sighed and picked the pants, raising an eyebrow. "Geez, There's low rise and then there's 'why I am even wearin' anythin' at all' kind of pants, Maggie."

"Miss Madsen said this was the outfit the guitarist you're replacing suggested you wore." Prowl supplied though internally he also wondered why some females of this species wore something that seemed to cover just the bare minimum of their more sensitive body parts.

"Mm... th'bustier's nice, I hope she managed to slip some kevlar in there, though it wouldn't do much from two thirds o' a breast and up." Jazz snickered and pondered what kind of undergarments she could use or if she was going to have to 'go commando' with the attire. "Ya got my suit an' armor tucked in an' ready, right?"

"Of course."

Jazz nodded, satisfied, and removed the towel to get dressed. "I might need some hair extensions t'go with this so I won't be recognized." Not that Jazz went on civil mode often, it was rare when she wasn't wearing her special suit and armor and her helmet, but one could never be too sure, specially for undercover work. "Can ya call Maggie? I'll need a hand getting' the hair done."

"I did."

Jazz smiled. "Always a step ahead aren't ya?"

"It's my job to plan ahead of time." Prowl responded, holding a hand out where Jazz deposited the used towels. Prowl moved across the massive quarters they shared and had Jazz's towels hung off a rack where they were left to dry as Jazz began to dress.

While he did that, Maggie Madsen knocked and peeked into the room. "You're decent yet, Jazz?"

"That depends on your definition of decent, Maggie." Jazz grinned as she wiggled her hips to pull the pants as high as they'd go, it was still a little lower than she would have liked but now at least she didn't feel like they'd fall the second she took a step.

"Not completely naked?" Maggie grinned back and stepped in, closing the door behind her. "What you need help with?"

"Gotta do my hair. Gonna wear some extensions an' gonna need your help there."

"Got it." Maggie watched as Prowl folded back into his alt mode at the other end of the room and she shook her head, it seemed he always did that when someone else was in the room, either to pretend to give some sense of privacy or simply because he'd rather be ignored as the 'car' she didn't know. Maggie opened a drawer on the dressing table and pulled it out, finding different hair extensions all in Jazz's hair color with a few that included different colored streaks. "Wavy or straight?

"Straight. Rock stars with exploded hair are too 80s to roll on a stage right now. Specially with this get up." Jazz secured the leather bustier reaching for a small bottle with a liquid to clean and give some shine to the leather, applying it on a swab she began to tend to the bustier to make sure it'd look as shiny as her pants.

"Alright, sit down, we'll get you ready." Maggie helped to comb Jazz's hair, straightening the black locks with a hair iron and styling mousse, pulling it into as much a tight ponytail as she could. Several hair pins and applications of styling gel later Jazz had gone from short black hair that framed her face to a long straight pony tail that enhanced that 'bad girl' look. "While you get the make up ready, I'll go help Prowl get his own disguise."

"Thanks, Maggie."

Maggie waved at Jazz and made her way to the side of the room Jazz dubbed as 'Prowl's side', there she tapped gently on the Charger's roof. "Hey Prowl, still awake? Need to upload your new design onto your cloaking device."

The driver's side door opened without a word from the Autobot and Maggie sat down on the leather seat, pulling a thumb drive out of her jacket's pocket. "If you could open the compartment, please."

Again, without a word the compartment where Prowl's cloaking device was installed opened swiftly. "Thanks." Maggie was used to Prowl's quietness by now, but she could still remember how eerie it was for her how quiet and silent he was, and even in his root mode he was incredibly silent. Bumblebee made some kind of noises, turning gears, or the humm of his systems, but Prowl was so quiet it freaked her out at first. As it was the only part of him that made much noise at all were his leather seats, and that was hard to avoid altogether.

Maggie unplugged the device off the compartment and plugged her drive in, bringing up the touch screen to install the new design. The device worked in a way that allowed the pigments of Prowl's frame to be shifted around, merged or recolored to change his external appearance following pre programmed designs uploaded into the memory of the device and that Prowl could access at will.

When she was done, she rebooted the system and plugged the device back in its compartment. "Okay, you're all set to be Jazz's rockin' ride."

"Understood. Thank you, miss Madsen."

Maggie shook her head. "You're welcome, Prowl. I hope you don't find the style too atrocious for your taste."

"Needs must. It's part of the job."

Maggie got out of the Autobot's alt mode and patted his hood as she closed the door. "All set, you should be leaving in twenty minutes or so."

After Jazz was done with her make up, she and Prowl headed to the debriefing room where the mission was explained in detail to them. A popular singer was the target of a fanatic that intended to immortalize their idol in a gruesome manner by allowing him to die spectacularly before his beloved audience at the height of his career. The fan attempted to fulfill that promise on a previous concert, severely injuring a few fans and managing to escape in the process.

Rather than cancel the concert that was scheduled for the city, Jazz and Prowl were tasked with the mission of protecting the singer and to finally bring the deranged fan. The security had been upped to protect the fans and staff working during the concerts, and so far no more attempts on the singer's life had taken place, but investigations pointed out that the fan might try to strike again during tonight's concert.

After the debriefing, Jazz was given two specially crafted guitars to be used during the concert. "Mmm I've always wanted a Gibson Les Paul." Jazz commented off hand as she tuned the instrument, playing a few riffs while she studied the music sheets of the set she would be playing with the band.

"Ya ready t'rock, Prowl?" Jazz asked as she put her shades on.

"If that is jargon to ask if I am prepared, yes I am." Prowl activated the cloaking device and his paint changed from his pearl white and jet black scheme to pure back with several silver accents on the sides, bolt-like stripes that faded into red ghost flames toward the end. The ram bars shifted around until they looked like a custom made piece to look aggressive rather than the more functional interceptor kind, and the lights seemed to disappear altogether.

"Lookin' nice, Prowler. Strikin' without bein' awfully showy. Totally you." Jazz grinned as she slid the Gibson in its case on the passenger's seat and she took to the drivers seat. She couldn't help but shiver, the leather was cold and she had quite a bit of her back exposed. She couldn't help but wiggle a little to make herself comfortable on the seat as she slipped on a black, shiny glove that seemed to be made of latex but both Jazz and Prowl knew better. "Time t'rock the house, Prowl. Let's roll."


Jazz arrived on time for the rehearsal and somewhere down the rehearsing process and the talks with the singer and other officers, it was decided Prowl was to become a prop for the concert. This was going to be the last concert of the singer in the country before the tour left for Europe so the singer wanted to go with a bang, preferably not a literal bang.

The tanned special agent laughed herself silly when the singer appraised her 'ride' and asked if the stage could withstand to have the Charger roll by to drop him by as his big entrance. Prowl had not been very amused by the request but agreed that strategically it would be good if he could be as close to the stage and his partner and their charge as possible.

The concert rolled by and everyone was ready and attentive of every detail. Jazz blended in well with the rest of the group, and she happened to look similar enough to the guitarist she was replacing that nobody paid much attention to the change, other than to clap along her playing and her goading of the crowd. Prowl remained on his alt mode form, attentive to everything, from Jazz and monitoring her condition along with that of the band and the singer, to keep his sensors running a scan over the place constantly.

Jazz involved herself so well in what she was doing she seemed so natural and like this was what she had been doing for years. The melody was approaching the end and as Jazz played the final accords she saw suspicious movement at one side of the stage, where security crew was supposed to be keeping an eye on the situation.

//Jazz, to your left!//

Jazz reacted immediately to Prowl's voice, diving to the left and hurling the guitar like a baseball bat. The guitar was made with special material that acted like a shield of sorts and Jazz literally batted away the bullet that was heading straight to the singer's head.

The crowd exploded in confused screams and panic was just about to spread as the deranged fan pulled a second gun and aimed at Jazz instead. Several gun shots were heard above the screams of the terrified fans as the concert security tried to handle the hysteria of the crowd and stopping the assailant. On the stage Jazz smirked, completely unscathed, while the fanatic stared into the piercing blue optics of Prowl, now sporting his police interceptor detailing once more; he opened his white fist to allow the stopped bullets to fall to the ground.


The fan reacted at that moment and hurled one of the guns at Prowl's face, though it was only a distraction as he jumped off the stage in hopes of melding in with the crowd.

"Oh no, you ain't getting' away this time." Jazz threw the Gibson away and jumped down the stage right after him. "Prowl get a lock on 'im and send a feed t'my shades. Keep the band safe!"

//Done.// Prowl knew he couldn't move right at that moment because he could risk stepping on any of the fans that were trying to run away in search of some semblance of safety, but he could get a lock on the target for Jazz while he stayed in the stage, using his frame as shield for the band and singer. //Be careful.//

Jazz had to push her way through the crowd to follow the fan, getting elbowed and shoved around more times than she cared to count but right before the man managed to make his way out Jazz launched herself on him, tackling his legs to trip him. He tried to kick her off and punch her but she was much faster and far stronger than him, dodging or blocking his blows and kicks, the gun had fallen off when she got him to the ground.

"We can do this the nice way or th'bad way." Jazz grappled with him, ducking a punch she took as his answer to her offer. "Guess it's th'bad way then."

Jazz raised her hand and balled the fist covered on the glove and punched the man right on the face, knocking him out. "I love these gadgets 'Jack comes up with." Jazz grinned to herself and stood up, removing the glove and rubbing her wrist a little. "Maybe I hit 'im too hard." She looked at the police officers already coming to them. "All yours officers."

"Thank you, Jazz. Prowl already located and secured the evidence for us." One of the cops said as they hurled the unconscious man to an ambulance to make sure he was all right before taking him to the precinct.

After all the madness had settled and the singer was safely shipped to another state from where he'd fly to begin his tour, Jazz headed to Prowl's alt mode. "Well, guess we can say that went well, 'cept for that poor Gibson. It went down with a fight, though. An' I am thoroughly exhausted."

"Rest then. I'll do the driving." Prowl offered as he opened his driver's door for her.

Jazz thanked him and leaned on his seat humming softly. "Mmm, th'leather's nice an' warm right now, so comfy. Like one of those recliners. All I'm missin' is the blanket." She said as she snuggled her cheek on the plush seat.

"I took the liberty of asking for one to the staff after I noticed you were cold the first time. It's folded on the back seat." Prowl's disembodied voice responded as he turned the engine on, vibrating a little as Jazz reached for the blanket and wrapped it around herself.

"Thanks, Prowl. You're th' best partner I could ask for."

Prowl did not reply right away, waiting until Jazz had made herself comfortable again. "Likewise." He murmured as he drove away with his partner safely tucked on the seat, lulled to sleep by the tiredness and the gentle pace of the ride back home.

pxj challenges: september 10, 2007verse, prowlxjazz, au, stand alone complex, genderbending

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