=w=;; I'm late as usual.

Feb 18, 2009 01:27

Title: 山根 (Yamane)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff, lots and lots of fluff and a little bit of crack.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz. Implied Sam x Mikaela.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Some person.
Summary: Sunstreaker asked Prowl how far he was willing to go for Jazz. Prowl finds the answer to that question.
Notes: I am in serious need of fluffimus maximus and so, this was meant to be my Valentine's offering, but that plan fell flat. Still, look at it as a belated V-Day thing. Until the second movie is out and kicking I am still referring to Sideswipe as Sunstreaker's twin and both are Lamborghinis Reventón and Murciélago respectively. I read a lovely fanfic where Prowl and Jazz were the twins' parents, so I am totally hijacking that.

Prowl shifted a little as his systems began to power up one by one after a long and restful recharge. He smiled just a tiny bit when he felt a familiar weight press against him seeking the warmth of his systems and the inherent comfort of his proximity. Prowl did not online his optics just yet, bringing a white clawed hand to rest on a silvery hip.

Months had gone by since the Autobots at large worked a little miracle in saving a brave comrade, Prowl's beloved bondmate, his dear Jazz. It amazed him how loved and cared for was his mate, that every Autobot currently on Earth had aided in bringing him back from the brink of death.

The reunion was a happy one, though it did not go without trouble. Jazz was uneasy at first and it was to be expected; such traumatic events couldn't possibly leave no mark on a mech's psyche. Recharging was nigh impossible the first night after his return and Jazz did not want to go out of the quarters appointed for him and Prowl.

The first night Prowl and Jazz spent together in so long, their children, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe had to stay with them, as the creator-creation bond they shared with their parents was key in helping to stabilize Jazz, and to rekindle the bond between the four of them.

Things eventually began to fall back into a familiar territory, the laid back, hip and cool Jazz could be seen dancing around, smiling true smiles. He enjoyed getting to know the beauties of the planet's culture with Bumblebee, Sam and Mikaela, and loved the startled reaction he got the first time he introduced his and Prowl's twins to the humans. Even Prowl found great amusement in their reaction.

"What's in yer processors, lover?" Jazz murmured, bringing Prowl's thoughts to the here and now.

"Just thinking about the past few months," Prowl whispered back, powering his optics up a little, to stare into the blue, sleepy gleam of his mate's optics without the visor in the way. "I was remembering Samuel's and Mikaela's reaction when you introduced our hellions to them."

Jazz laughed softly, bringing a silvery claw to trace the line of Prowl's jaw. "Yeah, those were fun times." The Solstice tilted his head a little, as if suddenly pondering something. "Ya know Sam hates t'be called Samuel, right?"

"He does?" Prowl looked truly surprised, quirking an optic ridge.

"Oh yeah, he ranted loud an' long few days ago 'bout it." Jazz snickered and trailed his fingers to the back of Prowl's neck, curling the clawed digits around the thick wires and cables and pulling Prowl closer to place a peck on his lips. "Then he went on about not knowing what t'do on Valentine's with Mikaela."

"I admit to be confused by that holiday." the Dodge Charger muttered softly trying to steal a chaste kiss from Jazz's lips as he did. "Shouldn't love be something revered and honored every day rather than appoint a single day for it?"

Jazz laughed and allowed Prowl to kiss him before pulling away a little. "Well, humans like to appoint specific days to exalt certain things, ya know? Like... they have a day dedicated to appreciate the females of their species. A day specifically to appreciate mothers, a day to appreciate parents, a day to be environmentally conscious. Slag, I think they even have days to celebrate and honor certain professions in some countries."

Prowl's face plates twisted in confusion. "Humans are... strange."

"They have short lives, I guess they take any chance they can to celebrate and honor things they consider important. Valentine's it's just that perfect excuse to show someone how much you love 'em. Sure, it's a little commercial these days, but hey, what other time of the year can they readily find heart shaped sweet and sticky substances like chocolate and candy, mm?"

"I don't need an excuse to show to you that I love you."

Jazz smiled devilishly. "I know. But me? I'll take any excuse to show ya how much I love ya, Prowler."

Prowl chuckled and hugged Jazz closer to his frame, pressing his forehead to Jazz's and powering down his optics, relishing in the joy he felt by having his beloved mate against him, feeling Jazz's love flowing through their mutual link.

The beeping sound of an incoming comm-link from Optimus Prime had Jazz grin and try to muffle his snickers at Prowl's less than thrilled expression, trying to suppress a groan when he finally answered.

"Yes, Optimus?" Prowl asked with a perfectly schooled neutral tone, not giving away the annoyance Jazz could see plastered on his face plates. For all the dutiful and dedicated to his work mech he was, Prowl heavily disliked to be interrupted when he was indulging some relaxation before his shift started --and if Jazz's internal chronometer was right, it was still a good fifteen minutes before Prowl's shift started.

"I'm sorry to bother you before your shift, Prowl, but I need your help with something."

Prowl fought back the need to vent a heavy sigh. "Of course, Optimus, I'll be there in a moment." Closing the connection, Prowl gave the now snickering Jazz a very unamused look. "I'm glad to see you find this amusing."

"Can't help it, love, yer terribly adorable when you're poutin' like that!" Jazz replied, finally giving up trying to stifle his laughter.

"I am not pouting," Prowl said with feigned indignation but smiled at his mate, kissing his forehead before he hauled himself out of the berth. "I better get going."

Jazz nodded and watched his mate go before he stretched on the berth, deciding he might as well get ready for his own shift as well. He had patrol duty today with Bumblebee and they'd be picking up Sam and Mikaela after school as well.


A familiar knock on his door alerted Prowl he had a visitor, he knew who this mech had to be, there were only two mechs who never used the chime and instead knocked against the door itself to announce their presence.

"Come in," He muttered, pressing a key on the side of his desk to open the door remotely while keeping his gaze firmly affixed on the documents he was currently working on. "What is it, Sunstreaker?"

"This just came in the mail for Jazz," The golden Lamborghini laid down a package that was decidedly tiny for their size.

"Another CD?" Prowl accepted the package, carefully setting it aside to give it to his mate once he was back from his patrol.

"Mmhmm, Sideswipe said he's been tracking down every official release of material containing compositions by this musician for Jazz." Sunstreaker crossed his arms, looking deep in thought. "So, you know there is a human holiday coming soon, right?"

"Yes, I am aware of it." Prowl smiled a little with amusement, he knew that, despite the rough and unfriendly attitude his oldest was a romantic at spark, especially if the romance involved his sires.

"I'm sure dad's planning something to surprise you with." The twins rarely referred to Prowl and Jazz as their creators, and although they picked up on the local terminology, they rarely used it. It was a way to put a professional distance between them so to speak. Only in private or particular times when they felt they could drop the formalities of the military both twins would refer to Prowl and Jazz with terms such as, creator, sire, father or dad.

"I assume you're going to ask if I have something planned for him in return?" Prowl's smile widened a little as Sunstreaker shifted a little in response. "To answer to that, I have been considering something for the occasion, unfortunately, creativity is not one of my strongest points."

Sunstreaker smirked, narrowing his optics in a predatory way that resembled Jazz when he was set about doing something. "But it is one of mine."

Prowl quirked an optic ridge before he turned back to his work. "What is it you're planning this time, Sunstreaker?"

The golden Lamborghini shrugged and sat down on the chair opposite to Prowl's across the desk, watching his father focus back on his work but knowing he still had his attention. "To what lengths are you willing to go for him?" Sunstreaker asked, eyeing the small package laying on the desk.

"You ask me this?" Prowl stopped what he was doing to cast a somewhat unamused look at his oldest.

Sunstreaker raised his hands in a motion to placate his father. "Cool your transistors, I meant it in a good way. I am asking what embarrassing or unusual things would you be willing to do to make him happy."

The tactician sighed and shook his head, driving his attention back to his work. "I don't know about the embarrassing things, but if it would make him happy, I'd be willing to do many unusual things, as far as they didn't cause inconveniences for others."

"What about something involving a little trip over seas?"

Once again, Prowl's gaze was torn away from his work to rest on Sunstreaker's now very smug grin. "You," Prowl said as he set down his stylus and crossed his arms over his chest plates. "are plotting something, aren't you?"

"Perhaps." Sunstreaker chuckled.


Jazz was decidedly not a very happy mech at the moment. Actually, scratch that, he was not a happy mech one little bit at all at the moment. Prowl disappeared a couple of days ago, without much more than a few cryptic words claiming he was tending to something important, and a quick peck to his lips before leaving their quarters.

The human holiday he had been meaning to celebrate with Prowl was approaching way too fast for his liking, and with each passing day and no sign of Prowl returning anytime soon, made Jazz's mood sink even further. Optimus had remained stubbornly tight-lipped about the mission Prowl was supposedly attending to, which served only to sour Jazz's mood even more.

Finally, with Prowl still away as the fourteenth day of the month dawned, Jazz resigned to spend the holiday without his mate. His twins offered ways to distract him and try to make the most out of the holiday. It pained Sideswipe and Sunstreaker to see their normally jovial creator so evidently upset about his plans going to waste, but they both knew something Jazz did not and knew, in the end, things would be fine, and the little pain would be worth it.

As night fell over the Autobot base, and with Bumblebee gone to take Sam and Mikaela to their date, Jazz decided to retire to his and Prowl's quarters early. Feeling a little better for spending the day with his children and their human friends, even if he would have liked to take the chance to do something special with Prowl during the holiday, he was content enough with carrying with his plans once Prowl returned. Besides, there was always the next year.

The silver Pontiac Solstice barely had the time to lay down and shift to try to find a comfortable position on the large berth when the doors of their quarters whooshed open, revealing the familiar silhouette of his bonded.

Jazz sat up immediately, smiling as Prowl all but darted across the room to reach their berth and pull his mate into a tight embrace. Jazz could feel through their bond the longing and happiness his mate was feeling about being back home. The Solstice returned the embrace, glad to know the temporary separation had been just as hard on Prowl as it had been to him.

"Welcome home, Prowler," Jazz murmured, nuzzling his face tenderly against the Charger's neck wiring. "Missed ya."

"I missed you very much, as well, Jazz." Prowl's grip tightened just a little before releasing him and tugging on his hand to pull him out of their berth. Jazz gave him a questioning glance "There's something I have to show you."

Jazz nodded and followed his mate as Prowl led him out of their quarters and finally out of the Autobot base. Jazz was more and more confused as he transformed and followed the police cruiser across the desert towards what appeared to be an old, abandoned military hangar. The familiar forms of Sideswipe and Sunstreaker standing outside only served to increase his confusion and curiosity.

"What's goin' on here?" Jazz asked as he transformed and strode to the entrance of the hangar where his twins were standing.

"You'll find out soon, come inside." Prowl moved in through the large doors, gesturing for Jazz to follow him.

The smaller mech quirked an optic ridge behind his visor and followed, giving a suspicious look at the twins before he disappeared inside, hearing the doors creak as they were closed.

What Jazz found inside surprised him beyond words. Tucked against the farther wall were several large speakers surrounding a station with several synthesizers neatly arranged in a semi-circle. And standing in the middle of the arrangement was a short woman looking up at them with a smile and something akin to amazement shinning in her eyes.

Jazz recognized the woman right away and stopped dead on his tracks, grabbing Prowl's arm and squeezing it lightly. "Prowl is that...?" He trailed absently, surprise and disbelief coloring his voice as he looked down at the woman.

Prowl nodded and smiled, politely introducing Jazz to the woman, who happened to be the composer the Solstice had been so enthralled with for months now.

The woman greeted the pair politely, bowing her head and relaying to Jazz that Sunstreaker and Prowl had come in contact with her, talking about how much Jazz admired and loved her work, and the subsequent offer to play some of her music for the pair in private. The woman gestured for the pair to make themselves comfortable while she arranged her working station.

Prowl took a seat on the ground, crossing his legs as he felt Jazz sit next to him and lean against him, his frame was trembling almost imperceptibly and his clawed hand sought Prowl's.

The woman began to play, pre-programming a few of the synthesizers to play specific instruments and arrangements, while playing others completely on site. The music varied greatly in genres and styles, from soft jazzy undertones to sober and regal melodies, to rock and ambient music. As the night dragged on, the composer announced the last song was a completely new composition created for Jazz himself, trying to put into her music the feelings Prowl described Jazz evoked on him as best as she could.

The music began to play and Jazz felt Prowl's lips press against his audio, whispering a quiet 'I love you'. Jazz powered down his optics, feeling Prowl's love flowing through their bond. 'Dance with me' Prowl murmured trough their bond, and Jazz knew Prowl was not asking for their physical bodies to dance.

Jazz and Prowl leaned better against each other, a white hand intertwined with a silvery one, unseen by the woman playing for them, the mechs lost themselves into each other's essence, not nearly as strong as it'd be if their sparks were merged in the throes of love making, but still strong enough that for them it was as real as if their physical bodies were moving.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe peeked through one of the crystal-less windows of the hangar, watching the intimate closeness of their creators as the human woman played for them.

"So, who's taking the lady to the airport?" Sideswipe asked quietly, watching his parents fondly and feeling the sense of joy that filtered into his own side of the bond they shared as family.

"You." Sunstreaker replied softly, admiring the beauty and art of the composition, as well as the sense of peace and love his creators exuded.

"Why me? It was your idea!" Sideswipe protested but kept his tone low, not daring to interrupt the lovely moment.

"There's no way I am going anywhere near the airport at this hour. Besides, someone has to return that equipment." Sunstreaker spoke in a tone that dictated his decision was final and nothing Sideswipe could say would change that.

With a huff, Sideswipe resigned to his fate, Prowl and Jazz would have to be pretty lenient with him for the next few days for this. As he turned back to look inside the hangar, watching his parents so happy, a smile melted away his pout. This was worthy to put up with the insufferable traffic awaiting for him.


Notes x 2: Cheesy as heck, I know. Sue me, I wanted some fluff and I gave me some fluff, even if it didn't make much sense and didn't end up being too valentine-ish, really XP The melody played at the end can be found below.

Serenade.mp3 -

2007verse, prowlxjazz, sideswipe, sunstreaker

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