Aaaand Touchdown! I mean, it's a fanfic!

Feb 17, 2009 04:09

Title: Bring it On. (7/??)
Rating: PG-13 / Humor / Drama
Warnings: Crack. Lots and lots of crack in abundance.
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz, Ironhide x Ratchet, Inferno x Red Alert, Hound x Mirage, Blaster x Soundwave, Sunstreaker x Bluestreak, Optimus Prime x Starscream, Trailbreaker x Wheeljack, Cliffjumper x Bumblebee, Hot Rod x Arcee x Springer.
Summary: The war has come to an unexpected halt, and with it came some developments. The cyberstork is going to work overtime and skip vacation in the Ark.
Notes: Mirage delivers, Optimini is even less thrilled with each new baby bot taking the spotlight. Prowl and Jazz sparkling sit.

I've borrowed a few things from beckyh2112. This is crack and written mainly to indulge friends I wuv too much. As usual, Optimini belongs to nkfloofiepoof

quite what else to do~'>

All things considered, Prowl was becoming a little surprised with the realization of how much his life was linked with those of the sparklings that had been or were to be born in the past few months.

True, he was involved more from an spectator point of view than directly involved save for that forced interaction he and Optimini had to deal with. However, things were bound to change heavily with the delivery of Hound's and Mirage's sparkling.

Ratchet was fast approaching the end of his own cycle, and his and Ironhide's own sparkling was expected any moment, probably a week or two after Mirage's and Hound's. Because of this, it had been deemed necessary that Ratchet wouldn't conduct the procedure to deliver Mirage's, and it would befall entirely on Swoop's and First Aid's hands with only minimal input from Ratchet who would oversee the procedure but wouldn't actively participate on the delivery.

These news were received with a little apprehension by Mirage --It wasn't that he didn't trust First Aid's or Swoop's abilities, but he wasn't comfortable with this being their first time conducting the procedure all by themselves, and while risks were minimal, they were still a real possibility. This prompted a little chat between himself and Hound regarding Mirage's insistence to carry with a Towers tradition he had been unsure to bring up to his mate before. Hound, who knew Mirage needed the comfort of carrying with it was supportive of his mate's wishes, and both set out to select a mech that, following tradition would become their sparkling's benefactor.

Back in Cybertron before the war broke, the Towers nobles took the creation of a new sparkling in a very serious note, and plenty of formalities were observed since the very moment the new spark was created. One of the most important traditions involved the selection and appointment of one or two 'benefactors' for the new sparkling. Mechs or femmes entrusted by the parents with the care and education of the sparkling should the original creators perish way before the creation was fully developed and ready to take its seat among the elite. Prowl found humans had something somewhat similar among their kind, they were called Godparents.

It was then decided by Hound and Mirage to ask Jazz to become their sparkling's benefactor, which meant if anything happened to the parents Jazz would be given custody and made responsible for the sparkling. Among the commoners if a sparkling lost its parents it would be sent to the youth sectors as an orphan, but among nobles, the sparkling would be cared for by the benefactor.

It didn't surprise Prowl that Mirage would want Jazz to be his sparkling's benefactor, what did surprise him was that Mirage asked him to become the sparkling's benefactor as well. Although it was expected that Prowl would help to support and care for the child, too, because he was Jazz's mate, having Mirage personally request him to become a benefactor for his and Hound's little one spoke volumes of the trust the former spy had on Prowl.

And so, Prowl and Jazz were currently accompanying Hound and Mirage to the medical bay to oversee the delivery as part of the formalities of becoming the sparkling's godparents as Jazz insisted on calling himself and Prowl.

In the end, Ratchet's intervention was necessary, as an unexpected development caught everyone off guard, for instead of the expected sparkling they found two. Hound and Mirage had sired twins and nobody, not even Ratchet, not even Mirage himself had known about.

At one point during the creation, Hound's and Mirage's combined spark energy created not one but two sparks, one much smaller than the other. During all the exams and check ups that followed the conception, nobody was able to determine there were two sparks because the biggest was eclipsing the smallest. Their sparks beated in the exact same rate, and emitted the very same frequency, and the biggest spark's pulses kept its twin's pulses hidden.

Wheeljack and Perceptor were called to assist with the unexpected situation, and finally, Hound and Mirage were presented with their offspring, both healthy and lively and both resembling their creators very much.

"They look like a mini Hound an' mini 'Raj," Jazz murmured affectionately, watching the sparkling that took heavily after Hound cooing and looking at him with a curious but sleepy expression, resting on his daddy's left arm, cradled against his chest.

"They do," Prowl agreed, smiling down a little at the sparkling that took after Mirage, their colors were primarily exchanged, midnight blue for the younger twin, and forest green for the oldest.

"They're both beautiful." Hound smiled proudly, supporting his exhausted mate against him with his arms wrapped around Mirage's back, watching his twins cuddled against their daddy. "Though, this poses a problem."

"How so?" Jazz asked and reached to tickle the bottom lip of the sparkling who took more after Mirage, laughing a little when the sparkling frowned and tried to bat the finger away, huddling more against Mirage's chest plates.

"We only thought of a name for one sparkling, but now..." Mirage drawled, obviously still shaken by the realization he had been carrying twins all along, though no less ecstatic about it.

Jazz nodded in understanding, casting a quick glance to his own mate before looking back at Mirage and the sparklings. "We can help ya find fittin' names for the little ones, I think for now ya need more rest and the bitlets look like they could use some recharge of their own."

Mirage nodded, thanking all the present mechs for their efforts in helping bring their sparklings to life and leaned better against the berth, Hound sitting next to him to keep a silent vigil over his family.


Eventually, the parents and the sparklings' godparents found names they considered fitting, and a few days after their delivery, little Wrangler and Rigie were brought into the recreation room for the first time.

The new twins became subject of immediate attention by everyone, particularly the Lamborghini twins who were specially delighted to see a couple of non-tape twins. Rigie, the forest green sparkling that took after Mirage seemed particularly interested on the twins. Wrangler, the younger twin in midnight blue colors taking after Hound was more than delighted with anyone's attention, smiling all the time and being particularly noisy whenever he garnered some kind of affectionate touch.

Introduced to Bumper, Optimini and Pathfinder who was beginning to develop his sight finally; both twins seemed to get along with the other sparklings just fine. That was, however, until Optimini tried to establish his position as the dominant sparkling in the Ark by pushing little Wrangler away hard enough to make the sitting sparkling fall on his back.

Bumper did the sensible thing and crawled his way to the safety of Bumblebee's arms to keep himself away from Optimini's wrath. Pathfinder could not see past blurry spots of action going on and chirped to call any of his creators. Trailbreaker picked Pathfinder and handed him to Wheeljack before he reached to pick Wrangler.

The sparkling was so confused by what had happened, that he only stared in bewilderment at Optimini. Rigie, however, was far from impressed and scowled deeply at Starscream's and Optimus Prime's offspring. From that moment onwards, whenever Rigie and Optimini were in the very same room and within visual range of each other they engaged in a heated glaring contest.

Of course, Optimini had other reasons to dislike Rigie now, and the white sparkling tried to convey all his distaste for the oldest twin through a heated glare and a pout that would no doubt exist behind his blue face mask.

Rigie merely glared back, showing he wasn't impressed or felt threatened in the least by Optimini, happily huddled in Prowl's arms, no less.

Prowl wasn't sure whether to be amused, mortified or concerned once he realized he was the apple of discord between Optimini and Rigie. Rigie was very much flaunting that Prowl attended to him, carried him and even fed him, when Optimini was pretty much ignored by the tactician. A fact that had the white sparkling fuming.

Wrangler, however, was nothing if not the chattiest, sweetest little sparkling, happily cuddled on Jazz's arms and chirping and warbling away for anyone that would care to 'listen' and even those that would not. He seemed particularly drawn to Pathfinder, who was always smiling and making soft little cooing sounds whenever he was close enough to listen to the warbling and tweetering blue blob his vision presented to him.

Jazz, on his part, was having a blast caring for the sparklings occasionally. Mirage insisted in having Prowl and Jazz spend time with the twins so they would associate the black and white pair with another source of comfort and security similar to their own parents as per tradition.

Prowl was happy to sparkling sit his godchildren, and glad to give their parents some time to rest themselves, after all caring for twins was a lot of work, and with Optimus Prime taking back on more of his duties, Prowl had more time to spare.
Only one thing worried the tactician. Some part on the back of his processor was nagging at him, giving him a faint sense of dread. Somehow, he imagined himself buried under a pile of sparklings. But what was the most worrisome, was that the image firmly affixed in his processors was not coming from him.

prowlxjazz, bring it on, houndxmirage, sparklings

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