One down, and one more to go.

Feb 05, 2009 21:47

eerian_sadow was very kind to pick this boy for me and send him over. One of my 'Rajs is happy now, but now it means the other Mirage will give me death glares until I get him a Hound of his own. Woe is me.

I gots a jeep and he's a cute one!

Aft view. I wonder why some of these bots are getting license plates and some others are not.

I wanna go 'round the world in my Jeep~ *sings*

My, Hound, what big... tires you've got.

That probably brings a new meaning to 'junk in the trunk'. *prods black thing suspiciously*

Meanwhile, Classics!Mirage is having some time for calm contemplation while his sparkling is playing with the other sparklings.

He looks lonely. D:

I think he misses his Hound. DX

Speak of the devil...

After some careful nudging, Hound gets Mirage's attention.

And he's overjoyed to see Hound is here. Of course, he's hiding his joy, wouldn't be proper to glomp him in alt mode.

Hound requests help removing his 'passenger' and Mirage hurries to do so.

Ravage transformed and proceeded to go growly on everyone. Mirage stands to protect Hound while he's still in alt mode. Ravage was not impressed.

Well, I think Ravage IS impressed now.

I don't know where Mirage got the 'rope' from, but neither me or Ravage want to find out.

After demonstrating his proficiency in 'Knots 101', and with Hound now transformed, Mirage greets his beloved tracker properly.

Closest to holding hands as they can get.

Here's a shot of Hound to show just how good his light pipping is. He's got some big optics compared to other bots, so you can see the light effect really well, plus he's got an awesome shade of darker blue in his plastic. Unfortunately, the lack of light makes him look angry or grumpy.

Now that's much better. Lookit the big optics!

And from this angle he looks like he's smiling, pretty sure he's beckoning Mirage to come closer.

Mirage fell for the trap and is promptly lifted up and snuggled with.

Mirage can't exactly get angry at Hound anyway. He persuades Hound to put him back down, though.

Safely on the ground, Mirage informs Hound he's got a surprise for him.

Classics!Prowl drops by to deliver the surprise and collect their prisoner Ravage.

Hound is presented with his very own sparkling. Little Hound isn't sure what to make out of that big bot at first...

But quickly determines he's gotta be his father, so he runs to him and demands to be picked up.

Hound obligues his bitlet and stands proudly with him and his dear Mirage.

The proud family.

And so, Hound and Mirage retreat away with their little one to have some happy family time.

Little Hound is one happy cookie because he's got two parents now. I just hope Alt!Mirage, Rigie and Wrangler won't try to get my hide if I take too long to get Alt!Hound.

And then, Soundwave dropped by to beg demand Ravage's freedom. And show off that no matter how often clean and brush them, these bastards get dusty in a matter of hours. =3=;; <-- that's a pout.

Prowl's not very convinced, but Soundwave swears up and down, left and right that Ravage will behave. When that phails he appeals to the paternal instincts, claiming all he wants is to have his cassette with him.

Prowl decides to let Soundwave take Ravage back but warns him that, should Ravage misbehave, he's letting 'Streaker get a go at him.

Sullen Ravage definitely does not wish such a fate to befall him, so he swears he'll be a good Decepticon kitty.

Soundwave welcomes his cassette back.

Ravage in al his Casetticon glory.

And with all the bots doing their things and respective reunions... did I mention Alt!Prowl is incredibly competitive? =w=

Prowl though he should treat Jazz to some sushi as well, but he wants to do it right.

Salmon, cheese, cucumber, and avocado sushi for his Jazz.

Alt!Prowl recruited TFA!Prowl's help to learn to use chop sticks.

He's not sure he's got it but it's the best he can do at the moment.

Enter the Mazda and Jazz is so delighted about the nice gesture from his Acura that he claims 'Screw the chop sticks let's bring out the big guns!'. Take that as you will.

Prowl is a liiittle frustrated he went through learning to use the chop sticks for nothing! He gets points for trying, though.

soundwave, prowlxjazz, houndxmirage, toys, sparklings, ravage

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