Car seckz... literally. =w=;;

Feb 05, 2009 01:26

Title: Moon over the Castle.
Rating: R
Warnings: Implications of mech seckz, uhmm... car seckz... kind of?
Pairings: Prowl x Jazz.
Characters: Prowl, Jazz. Mention of Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Blaster, Red Alert.
Summary: Even Prowl has a need for speed every now and then.
Notes: Inspired partly by my drawing of Prowl and Jazz racing and the "The Knight Song - Moon over the Castle" I suggest you to play the whole song. I picked this version intentionally for the sounds. I apologize for the sucktastic job at describing the race.

Moon Over The Castle remix - Gran Turismo 4

Jazz knew Prowl was perhaps one of the most patient mechs in the universe, cool, collected, all those nice words that described an unflappable character. And while certainly Prowl rarely let things get to him, and carried with more duties than many mechs would want to deal with, even Prowl had a limit. It could take a long time to get him upset or stressed, and more often than not it was stress what'd get him before anything else.

The past few weeks had been particularly hard on his mate while Optimus Prime was away attending to some matters between humans and Autobots and although usually either Prowl, Jazz or both accompanied him, Prime was reluctant to leave the Ark completely under Ironhide's administration, especially since new Autobots had arrived recently. Ironhide was still having a hard time dealing with Red Alert's overly cautious nature about everything and anything, and the older mech's temperament did not help to deal with the security director for long periods of time.

It was how Ironhide was the one to go with Prime along with a couple of mechs to keep Optimus Prime protected, while Prowl and Jazz oversaw the operations in the Ark, aiding the newest members of the crew to adapt to the life in this planet, and in some cases, to adapt to their new alternate modes. Blaster, for example, was still having a hard time getting used to being a boom box that couldn't move by itself, used to being a tank in Cybertron.

Between dealing with all the quirks and personalities of the new crew --especially Red Alert's constant claims that security had to be upgraded every other astrosecond; their interaction with the older crew, attending to local authorities calls and frustrating a couple of unexpected Decepticon attacks without disturbing Prime's business, Prowl was under quite a bit of stress. Jazz wasn't in a bed of roses himself as he, too, was feeling the effects of too many things happening at once. Of juggling his official duties with social life, helping other mechs to adapt to their surroundings and some crash courses about Earth culture (A few bots still weren't sure why they had to drive in an specific direction in a certain side of the road only or why they couldn't turn here and there). They were both exhausted and stressed.

Thankfully, Optimus Prime had returned a few hours prior and with his return, the barrage of responsibilities was once more shared in more even terms. Prowl had insisted in delivered his report as soon as possible, taking to give Jazz's report himself so the Porsche could get some more free time to himself.

Jazz took the chance to arrange something he was sure would help him and his mate unwind a little, something he knew Prowl sometimes longed for but refrained to do because he was too concerned about endangering humans or other Autobots while doing so. Jazz, however, knew humans had a certain need for speed, and that there were places specifically designed to allow humans to indulge in such activities.

Racing in the desert was fun, but it wasn't much like the challenge a true racing track could offer, and Jazz managed to make some arrangements to 'borrow' a local racing track, far enough from the city so the noise wouldn't disturb humans.

So later that night, when Prowl was done with his report and looking ready to just curl up in the berth in hopes to sleep away the stress and wariness, the Porsche grabbed onto his mate's hand and all but dragged him towards the city's track. Jazz practically vibrated with excitement as he led his mate towards the entrance, a lone human guard waited for them, greeting them and allowing them entrance.

"Why are we here?" Prowl asked while he followed Jazz towards the track that had been properly cleared for their use for the night.

"I thought we could use a little drive," Jazz replied with a challenging smirk on his lips. "I know ya need this, and quite frankly so do I. Here we don't have to worry 'bout anyone, it's jus' you an' me, baby!"

Prowl snorted a little but his blue optics glowed brightly. He wouldn't admit it openly, but deep down, he loved speed as much as Jazz did, the challenge of racing, of drifting at top speed, of not caring about anything but let himself go and feel Earth's wind brush against his chassis just like Jazz's fingers would.

The white Porsche with racing stripes led his mate towards the start of the track and transformed, moving back and forth a little to get in the right position. Prowl followed his lead, taking the inner lane, his engine rumbled in excitement, purring in open challenge towards the Porsche.

Jazz's engine revved in response, bouncing just a little on his tires as they awaited the green lights that would mark the start of the race. Both engines revved a little louder as the lights turned from red to amber. "Catch me if you can, Prowler!" Jazz cried at the same time the green lights turned on, giving them the start.

Both vehicles' engines rumbled and their tires screeched as they accelerated, speeding away in the track. Jazz laughed with a mixture of excitement and joy and speed up past the police interceptor, swerving teasingly before him, something akin to swaying his spoiler teasingly before he pumped his speed to gain advantage over his lover.

Prowl's engine revved louder than anyone had ever heard and he, too, speed up to catch up with the Porsche. The Datsun did catch up to his lover, revving at him playfully before he accelerated even more, uncaring for the curve they were quickly approaching. Jazz squeaked and watched Prowl drift his way through the curve leaving a trail of smoke behind, blaring his sirens and light bar at him playfully before he steered properly to continue his way straight ahead.

Jazz grinned mentally and upped his own speed to catch the cruiser, knowing very well they were both going to need a change of tires after this. The prospect only served to excite the Porsche further and his engine revved accordingly, catching up to the Datsun. Jazz honked his horn at him, flashing his headlights playfully and accelerated again, driving ahead of Prowl to allow him to take the inner lane while he lowered his speed a little to fall back into place with the Datsun.

Prowl did the same, accelerating, moving ahead of Jazz to allow him to move into the inner lane and fall back against him. It was almost like a dance taking place at incredible speeds, one circling around the other, one taking the lead for a moment just to lose it to the other and then regain it. At certain points they drove side by side, one lowering his speed a little to warn the other about the next curve, neither caring about anything but the race, the exhilarating feeling of racing as fast as they could go. Of trying without really trying to beat each other, of teasing and playing with one another, of the wind caressing their chassis like an extension of each other's touch.

Jazz felt a buzz of energy running through his systems, bringing a near imperceptible glow to envelope his chassis, his excitement becoming electricity not unlike the one they generated through interfacing and overloading. He felt a trickle of another being's electric touch against his own, and he smiled inwardly, engine revving encouragingly at the familiar electric touch of his beloved.

Prowl's lights and sirens turned on again in encouragement for Jazz, feeling the delicious current of his lover's energy's presence swipe over his chassis, into his frame and inner components, teasing him, prompting him to go faster, much faster. No human would have been able to control such vehicles in the sways and turns of the track, but even at such speeds the two Cybertronians continued their dance, chasing each other, and making love to one another, although always a little part of their processors kept their reflexes sharp and attentive --it wouldn't do to interrupt their wonderful exchange if they crashed and damaged each other severely.

Their senses heightened, their frames glowing with energy as they raced, both trying to win, yet neither truly intending to put much distance between each other. The minutes passed, and by the time they both reached the finish line at the last lap, both were on the verge of their respective overloads. Prowl transformed before he even came to a stop, taking a couple of steps to straighten himself, catching Jazz as the saboteur transformed as well, almost falling against his mate as his needy state crippled his balance. The tactician held onto his mate, taking a couple more steps back to steady himself and his beloved as he pressed a hungry kiss to Jazz's lips, glossas intertwining and lapping, pulling that trigger towards their overloads, energy cackling around them as they rode the waves of their passion.

Prowl slumped backwards against one of the contention walls, sliding against it to finally meet the floor with a loud clank, Jazz sprawled on top of him, barely online. A minute or two later, the human guard came running towards them, asking if they were all right with evident concern. Prowl reassured the human they were fine and that their systems were a little overtaxed by the race, which was true, overload aside. The black and white pair regained their strength after a few minutes and thanked the guard and left the track to return back to the Ark.

"Thank you, I needed that," Prowl murmured while he drove at a much slower pace next to Jazz. The saboteur edged carefully against his mate, barely brushing his side against Prowl's in a loving gesture. "I needed that, too, but yer very welcome, Prowl."

The two black and white Autobots continued their drive back to their headquarters in a companionable silence, broken only by the soft purring of their respective engines.

prowlxjazz, fan fiction

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