Obligatory how-my-commute-was post

Dec 13, 2007 18:13

1. We were allowed to leave work starting at 1 PM. I am taking tomorrow off, so I decided to stay so as not to screw over my department, which has been having all kinds of medical emergencies lately (emergency appendectomy, compound fracture on arm due to fall on ice, random fainting spell requiring 24-hour observation and MRI). The building was officially closing at 3 PM so I got kicked out then.

2. Was excited to see a 47 bus right there waiting for me. Hopped on.

3. Cut to 1 hour later -- had read entire Weekly Dig, bus had moved 20 feet. Bus driver explained that she had left Broadway at 1 PM and had only gotten to Longwood at 3 -- had I but known...

4. Asked bus driver what she wanted from Starbucks. Hopped out of bus, walked 1 block to Starbucks, stood in line, ordered hot chocolate, received order, walked 1 block back to bus (which had not moved), gave hot chocolate to bus driver.

5. Walked to Green E line, which was also a "shitshow" (Roommate L's description) because the train couldn't cross major streets that had traffic stuck on them. Decided to walk up Huntington. Passed 6 outbound Green line trains; not even 1 inbound, because they were all getting stopped up at intersections. Huntington was also a parking lot. People were running out of gas, leaving their cars to get more gas, putting the gas in, running out again. Or their batteries were going dead.

6. Ended up walking all the way home. For reference, Mass. Ave. was just as bad as Huntington. Got home around 6 PM, which is approximately when I usually get home. Pluses: got an aerobic workout; communed with other walking Bostonites; tested my new cute winter hat.
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