martinho Jan 25, 2014 20:20
winter, copy/paste, feelings, therapy, autobiography, by a window in a city, frustration, juxtaposition, dubblera tags på svenska och engelska, embarrassing, gothenburg, 2014, stuff, structure, coffee, memories, psychology, poem?, cykliskt, sleep, the process, reasons to be thankful, meh, deja vu, prose poem, life, achieve, gent, bryt ihop och kom igen, uncreative writing, martin och tiden, nyskrivet, internet, mindfulness, me, projects, ethics, computer, words, signs, 2010, not to promise too much, tired, right now, art, experiment, administration, text, work, right here, aktiviteter, old becomes new, not quite cut-up, under construction, found, old stuff, things i've made, :|, phrases
martinho Sep 22, 2013 23:52
feelings, poems, and stuff, i have achieved music, collaborative writing, collection, forums, buttonbass, notsupposedtobehere's lust, english, notes, stuff, inspiration, copied, genius, concept art, linkage, poem?, list of doom, refurbyshed, bilder, anthology, achieve, rage, uncreative writing, listor, lust, web, internet, writing, experimental music, projects, scanned, signs, pictures, art, experiment, ?, paintings, text, song?, random, fragment, hate, 2013, found, signs & wonders, things i've made, sin
martinho Jul 24, 2013 17:33
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kollektivt skrivande, feelings, martin the model, webcam, collaborative writing, music, moving pictures, song, work in progress, poetry reading, video, memories, the songs of martin h. olsson, juli 2013, :(, melankoli, bilder, life, requests, musik, martin sings, writing?, skrivande, mående, ?, sad song, unfinished, saker jag gjort, poesi, under construction, old stuff, things i've made, ok maybe a poem