So actually I was gonna sing to you today, but that didn't really work out. Next English post, I hope, in about 1 or 2 weeks. I'm a bit stumped for what to do at the moment so I'm going to look for some English (or wordless) content I haven't shared on the blog and if I really can't find anything good, or anything that feels right for tonight, I'll see what type of original stuff I can make up. But I need to go to sleep in a bit and I'm not feeling extremely inspired, so it's probably better if I don't have to do that.
Well, this was a thing. Is a thing. A thing... that I will have to think more about publishing unchanged online. Not today, looking further.
DC Heroes character, no backstory, just stats and very basic concept. Would anyone be interested?
Ok, we can do this, I guess. Hopefully not entirely serious list of possible names for future baby. As you can see, there's one name I was really into.
Anna Orlando Martin
Liebling Orlando
Kim-Robin Orlando
Jerk Orlando
Orlando Tidelileja/Tidelileja Orlando
Matilde Orlando Beatrice
Tobias Orlando
Johnpaulgeorgeringo Orlando
Lady Orlando
Irene Orlando
Enrica Orlando
Ann-Charlotte Orlando
Pir Orlando
Pierre Orlando Emìle
Gurkdjävel Orlando
Elias Orlando
Orlando Kassandra
Cassiopeia Orlando
Virginia Orlando
Victoria Orlando
Kristoffer Orlando
Veronica Orlando
Maria Orlando
Gabriella Orlando
Moonchild Orlando
Petrus Orlando
Gara Orlando
Garry Orlando
Ninni Orlando
Håkan Orlando
Oliver Orlando
Elvis Orlando
Lena Orlando