Jan 28, 2008 06:37
Watched investigative programme "Carte Blanche" in regards to our ongoing energy crisis here are some of the facts:
Capacity: 40,000MW
Average daily production: 37,000MW
Current production: in the region of 27,000MW
Johannes burg daily cuts: 210MW
Reality: Closed down our entire gold mining industry on Friday
So why not produce more? reason given Wet coal
Fact: Wet coal burns better than dry coal
Reality: Stockpiles have been depleted and replenishment sseverely lack
Reality no coal no energy production
Reason: took away the transportation of coal from white contractors and gave it to a black contractors
So what happened: Inexperienced interior deisgner knows nothing about business or transportation and now bankrupt
Reality: no trucks no coal
Yet? Eskom excutives paid themselves R57m in bonusses
CEO got R13m
Reality: These bonuses part our riding the gravy train (free for all) and not performance based
CEO a liar?: said on Monday we dont export any power to neighbouring countries
Reality: 350MW daily supplied to Botswana, 476 to Namibia, 216 to Swaziland
Liar! total supply to neighbouring countris 2,176MW
Reality Eskom just signed a 5 year agreement with Botswana for supply
Facts: A 1998 report warned of imminent disaster,
Goverment reaction? We made a mistake by being ignorant,
Reality they ignored warnings in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2007. If you bump your head once learn from it if you do it a second time it is stupidity, for a third you shoould be shot, 4? 5?
Reality: 2006 report from Solidarity (Union) warned on skill shortages
Eskom reaction: Retrenching skilled white employees and replace them with unskilled black labour, in fact they issued a policy at the beginning of 2007 stating that no white males will be employed for the balance of the year.
Eskom solution: Source white males from outside the country to fill skills gap
Reality: Local competent people are left destitute.
Other facts:
Maintenance: normal conditions 1 generator working, 2nd back-up, 3rd on maintenance
Reality no 2 and 3 are incomplete cause their parts have been used to maintain no1
Again competent contractors have been replace by the incompetent gravy train riders and belive it or not they were paid for the supply of the spares used in maintenance of no 1
I am sure the above substantuates my concerns... Are we at the verge of disaster.... Yes we are! One cannot change a culture of self centered, political driven stupidity and a total lack of even basic common sense overnight...
So we plodder ahead in darkness in light of Eskoms commitment that they are able to supply 70% of the countries demand.... Reality they have not depleted their stockpiles...
and utmost stupidity!,