Another City Day, and Thank Goodness for Triple-A!

Apr 22, 2007 22:24

I am such a fortunate person, really, in so many ways!

Today was Lizzy's end of year concert for her Greater Westchester Youth Orchestra, and she got to play in Alice Tully Hall, which is part of Lincoln Center. How cool is that! Lizzy plays viola, and seems to enjoy it just as much as her dance. :) Alice Tully is due to be renovated and will close April 30th and not reopen until late Fall of 2008, so Lizzy is lucky she got to play there at this time! :)

It was a beautiful Spring day in Manhattan, and after Lizzy's concert Sally, Lizzy, and I walked over to Central Park, where the pear trees and the rhododendrons and other plants are in flower, and the grass is such a brilliant green! And of course half the city was out enjoying the weather, so although a bit crowded the park had a very festive atmosphere that comes about when everyone is having a very nice time indeed! :)

We said "hi" to a nice dappled gray horse that was working, pulling a horse-drawn carriage. He seemed to like Lizzy's gentle petting of his nose and face! :)

Then we hiked over to Eighth Avenue and 48th Street and had dinner at a wonderful French bistro named Pigalle that had great food at a reasonable price for Manhattan. I enjoyed my Belgian draft beer! :)

Then we hiked back to West End Avenue and 60th Street where I had parked the car in a commercial outside lot. But turns out the car battery had died, and I mean totally, so after an unsuccessful attempt by the lot attendant, I called the Automobile Club of America (AAA), gave them my member number, and within 15 minutes a truck was there to give me a battery charge, at no charge! I gave the guy a nice tip, it took awhile to charge the battery and he was very patient and nice.

So we had quite an adventuresome Spring day in the city, and now it is time to turn in for the night! ;) Hope every one of you had a very pleasant Sunday as well! :D

sally, manhattan, viola, lizzy

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