My second Victorica dress finally came in a few days ago! I love it, perhaps even more than the first one because it's more wearable. And I've always wanted a dress with a white yoke neck collar ♥ Sorry for the poor quality cell phone photos
The lace around the collar and cuffs is lovely! And the weird lace panels on the skirt aren't too obvious because of the dark color. I just need a black bonnet or hat to go with it......
I'm still knee-deep in preparations for my NYAF panel next weekend-- picking out music, putting together the slide show, coordinating the models outfits-- and sometimes it seems like I'll never be finished. ::sigh:: I
made a post about it in the morigirl lj comm (because they've sort of combined talking about morigirl style with talking about natural kei), but nobody replied. XD haha Part of me does hope that only my friends show up so I can just goof off the whole time.