WHAT!?!?! JURY DUTY?!?!?!

Oct 09, 2005 22:26

Looks like im being summoned for jury duty tomorrow. Ive gotten out of this the last couple of times cause i was a full time student but now i dont really have an excuse. Im still officially a full time student but telling them that doesnt get me out of it, it just postpones the date.

I got the notice in the mail forever ago but a neighbor (who got summoned for the same day) pointed out that its Columbus Day...and surely they dont have courts on a federal holiday! I was so sure of this that i didnt even tell my supervisor at work that i wont be there. I figured id call the number the night before and here the little recording telling me i dont have to go.

So i call the number about an hour ago and hear "Jurors number 1 thru 450 for October 10 please report at 8am to blah blah blah"....im number 31. FUCK.

I called and left a message with my supervisor telling her that i wont be there and that ill try to come in the afternoon if i get let out early. I apologized for not telling her in advance but i still feel like an ass. I wish i had thought to give her a head up...i was just so SURE that there would be no court on a holiday!!!!!!

The upside to this: I get paid!!!!!!! Who cares if its only like 20 bucks, thats more then i get paid at work!
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