Jan 07, 2015 13:13
We took it to the "Car buy-back center" (the scrapyard) today. It was the right thing to do, because the car was literally on it's last legs, and the repairs would've been too expensive. California offers a buy-back program where you can scrap your car (if it still runs) and get a pretty decent amount of money in return, enough to cover the mortage this month.
That particular car is the only one so far that I've had dealer-new to scrapyard. It had well over 200K miles on it, endured brutal commutes from here to the west side, was driven to and from FC a number of times, as well as to and from San Diego. I've had numerous close calls and 2 minor accidents in it (the time when some idiot pulled into a parking space next to me and ripped the driver's side door off, and when I was rear-ended, which damaged the trunk latch forever more.) Rare is the car that has given so much for so long, and served so well. It will be missed.