Promised photos of the very large shed snake skin. Somewhere along the paseo there's a big snake slithering around.
Went to the LA Natural History Museum's annual Bug Fair. As always, the tons of screaming kids made my skin crawl more than the bugs did. I was able to (finally) find another Darwin Fish for my car, but didn't buy anything beyond that.
The museum also had a "Bog People" exhibit, showing some mummies and a bunch of artifacts pulled out of the European bogs. That was neat exhibit; I think N would really enjoy it, if i can remember to call him to let him know.
Friday Night I went to see The Da Vinci Code with a couple friends. We went to the ArcLight in Hollywood, which has a special adults-only section. With a fully stocked bar. Good news-- no screaming kids. Bad news-- drunk and/ or tispy adults. Two women sitting a couple seats away would begin laughing every time the albino monk came on, and someone had a cel phone that kept going off.
I thought the movie was okay, but i think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't read the book first and knew who the bad guys were and what the answers to all the riddles were. One of the people with me hadn't read the book (The other friend had) and he enjoyed the movie. I will admit the self-flagellating monk was played a little too over-the-top, with the wild-eyed fanatic acting every time he came on, I can understand why those drunk women kept laughing at him. There were TV News trucks at the the theater and some protesters out front, but I didn't get close enough to see what group they were from. I'll assume it was Opus Day (sp?), considering they did not exactly recieve steller treatment in the film.
The neatest visual part of the film was seeing all the big paintings in the Louve near the begining. Maybe one of these years I'll get over my traveling phobias enough to actually go there.