Jan 16, 2007 11:36
'Ello 'ello! My two weeks abroad are done and I'm back in classes. London was fantastic! I seriously wouldn't mind living there for a while. We went on dayt rips to Bath, Canterbury, Dover, Cardiff, Stratford-on-Avon, and some others that I can't even remember due to a grand combination of information overload and sleep deprivation. The dynamics within the architecture group (which was luckily the smallest of the three) were, for the most part, delightful. We have too many inside jokes to count and even now that we're back, we still burst into hysterics when we think of some of the crazy shit we did ^.^ It was really a perfect combination of education and fun. Unfortunately I'm too tired and scatterbrained at the moment to go into any detail, so just know that I had fun and got home safely to my kittens.
Now I'm off to find food...perhaps more shortbread biscuits...mmmm!