Yet another meme from Jo...

May 28, 2009 15:58

Swiped from joisbishmyoga-

Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Jo gave me YGO, DCMK, Danny Phantom.


1. One word- VATHARA. I blame her for a lot of my fanwork, to be honest. She wrote a little YGO short. It looked interesting. I watched the dub. I got mugged by a bunny bearing a short scene. Next thing I know, I've written "Ankoku wa Osore Nai (Don't Fear the Darkness)" and that was it.

2. I was never particularly active in YGO fandom, since it was large and crazy, and to be honest, the dub kind of sucks and that's the only thing I know. I hope to finish "Scavenger Hunt," which I've been working on for three years, but after that? I dunno.

3. I actually liked the American-made theatrical movie. Did I mention I had a high tolerance for cheese? Also, the whole VR arc is probably one of my favorites, if only for Kaiba chained to a wall...

4. Like I said, I don't really do much other than my little stories, which are sorta stalled.

5. Umm... It's a big enough fandom, more people aren't going to CHANGE things much. And The Abridged Series does more than enough to pull in new converts. :)

Danny Phantom-

1. I was flipping channels in boredom at one point, and happened to find an episode of it. I think it was "Bitter Reunions." It interested me. I did a web search. I watched more eps. I got hooked. I wrote a fic. ... I'm very predictable. :)

2. Fandom-wise? I'm DONE. I may do DP fanfic in the future, I'm kicking around a DP/DC crossover that's a sequel to "Running Blind," my DC/CSI crossover, but "the phandom" is full of BATSHIT INSANE people. I'm too violent and "mature" for them.

3. "Bitter Reunions." "My Brother's Keeper." "Reign Storm." "The Ultimate Enemy."... Oh, anything that has Marty Isenberg's writing credit on it except for "Splitting Images." I despise Season 3 and refuse to believe anything after Reality Trip existed, though.

4. I write fanfic. I used to hang out on a discussion board until the "trufans" got their torches and pitchforks out. Right now, I talk to some of the sane Danny Fans I know from other fandoms, and that's about the extent of it.

5. Dude, no. See previous comments about "trufans." I don't know if they're still out there- I'm kind of afraid to check.


1. Icka. Who I discovered through Vathara, so see question one for YGO. :) I started reading her fics, got curious. About the same time, Skyechan posted a Danny vs. Kid pic to the DP board I was frequenting, and that got me more curious. I found the manga scanlations. I was hooked.

2. I'll likely stay in this fandom until it dies out from under me. I get more and better criticism here than I did with DP or YGO, and my big problem with PR was depression combined with the fact that the main series started to suck, and I lost inspiration. I can't see that happening with DC. Plus, y'know, no longer depressed, thank God.

3. Oh God, we'll be here all day. Um... Detective Koshien. Anything with Kid. Anything with Heiji. Especially anything with Heiji getting the shit beaten out of him. Anything where Kogoro proves that he has a brain and a heart. I LOVE the "We ripped off Speed" episode. I have a serious soft spot for Movie 6, for Yuusaku being badass... My favorite movies would be 9, 'cause competent Kogoro, 10 for Heiji, Kid, AND *kinda* Hakuba all in one place, and 7, for copious quantities of Heiji-whumphing. I liked all of them, though.

4. What fandom there is right now, I do try to participate in. MC1T seems to be dying, and I don't know where else to go...

5. Absolutely. It's a sane fandom with a lot of good writers, a lot of potential, and a lot of nice people.
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