More DC thoughts...

May 23, 2009 12:49

Specifically, I have a disturbing fondness for watching Heiji get the shit beaten out of him. However, given the events of Movie 7, I think at the very least, the anime writers are on my side.


One more for the "Takagi is a Badass" list... filler episode 405. In which Takagi gives another officer a SERIOUS dressing-down for jumping to conclusions in a murder case. ... Also he solves it. With help from Conan, but even that's only Conan pointing him at the evidence. Impressive.

Further ETA- *Hey, I post 'em as they come to me*

... Okay, "Murderer, Kudo Shinichi" is even MORE disturbing on screen than it is on paper. Which is impressive. Also, Shinichi and Heiji in the same room at the same time on the same case? Pure sex oozing out of the air. I'm kinda surprised Ran and Kazuha aren't sporting blushes that could set something on fire.
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