Lure Prompt: One Night Only- part one

Sep 27, 2010 16:16

Title: One Night Only 
Author: Marsabi
Rating: NC-17
Summary: This was based on a prompt at Lure prompts : Luke is drunk and has a one night stand with Reid (Reid does not know he is a virgin). But they will meet again unexpectedly.
Disclaimer: Based on ATWT characters. I don't own anything 
Warnings: None

One Night Only:  Part One

Luke downed a few angry sips from the bottle of vodka and waited. He paced the tiny apartment feeling the booze kick into his system. Just then, the door swung open.

Noah stood there.  "You heard?" He said.

Luke nodded, furious at Noah. "Ameera told me . She couldn't  wait to tell me."

"Luke-" Noah said.

"Is it true?" Luke screamed at him. "You slept with her. Your marriage is real now?"

Noah ducked his head. "I was attracted to you Luke, but I'm...I'm in love with Ameera now."

"I thought you were gay," Luke scorned him.

Noah shrugged. "I guess you were just a temporary fluke," he admitted. "I don't want to hurt you again, Luke - "

Luke swung at Noah wildly. The punch caught Noah on the mouth.

"Don't  even," Luke yelled and then he stormed out. Let Ameera care for Noah's lip.

Luke thought for a moment about going home. But his parents, as usual, were fighting. He considered going to his grandmother's house or the farm.

What he really wanted to do was get drunk - very drunk. Forever drunk. Luke headed for Metro.

Across town, Bob Hughes looked over Dr. Oliver.  Dr. Oliver was frowning impatiently.

"You called me in for this? " He asked Bob.

"We thought you could help; I heard you are the best-"

"I am the best," Dr. Oliver said with great arrogance. "But this poor girl is terminal."

Bob nodded sadly. "I had hoped-"

Dr. Oliver cut him off, "I'll go and see her."

"Thanks. Her name is Annie."

Dr. Oliver just nodded. "Whatever."

He was studying the girl's chart. He was looking for a way, any way, to save this six year old. He didn't care about names or diplomacy; he only cared about results.

A few hours later, Dr. Oliver needed a drink. The poor girl had smiled at him, smiled, while he had to tell her hysterical parents that in his opinion the girl was terminal. He might buy her 6 more months.

The parents had broken down. Dr. Hughes had led them away, and the girl had smiled at him. So innocent.  Usually, Reid loved his job. He loved medicine. But sometimes, not often,  there were days when his job just sucked.

He stopped a nurse on his way out and got directions to the local bar. Reid rolled his eyes at her long-winded explanation. He regretted not just googling the place. This town was so small it was ridiculous.  He was glad he would be leaving all this behind him in the morning. He couldn't wait to get back to Dallas now.

At the bar, Dr. Oliver saw two men near the dance floor. One was a man with balding hair and a slight belly. He was grabbing at the other man. Reid noticed the other man was dancing, stumbling away.

"He looks like he needs to be cut off," Reid told the bartender.

"Maybe," the bartender shrugged, "Not my business."

Reid raised an eyebrow at him. " I realize this town has the collective brain power of a bunny rabbit, but Isn't cutting off drunken people a part of your job?" He inquired. The bartender just ignored him.

Reid frowned. He hated incompetence. Why didn't people at least pretend to care about thier work? Reid did just not get people. He lived a simple life back in Dallas. He worked. That was it. If he sometimes had an occasional longing for something more in his life, than Reid just had to be reminded what idiots people basically were. He was fine alone.

Although tonight was hard. Annie's smile went through his mind. It would be nice , he grudgingly admitted to himself, to have somebody to talk to about her. Just once.

"Hey c'mere ," Reid glanced up to see the bald man practically pawing the younger man on the dance floor.

The younger man looked up, as if startled, and then danced away again.

Reid had to appreciate the dancing. He was young, maybe 20, with a hard and hot body. He was grinding his hips around. The young man threw back his head and swayed seductively. Reid could see beautiful lips and blond hair. He couldn't really see the man's face too well. The bald guy was pawing him again. It was unclear to Reid if the younger man wanted that attention or not. He was very drunk. Reid watched as the younger man fell and landed on his butt on the dance floor.

"Oops," he heard him giggle.

"Okay," the bald man was smiling, " come with me.'

"Huh?" The younger man appeared dazed. "What?"

"Just to my room," the bald man bared his yellow teeth. "I will help you."

The younger man seemed to shrug. His face turned hostile.

"Sure, " he said. "Who cares?"

The bald man grabbed at him.

"I don't think so. " Reid said smoothly, getting off the bar stool and walking over to them.

"Do you need a hospital?" Reid frowned at the younger man, who was practically leaning all his weight on Reid. He was solidly built. Reid grunted . It had taken one simple threat (once he saw the bald man's wedding ring) to chase the guy off. Now he just wanted to finish his good deed, drop this younger man off to sober up, and go to his hotel room.

'No hospital," the young man said. "I'-I ffine."

Reid's mouth twisted at the slurred words. "Well, to your home then kid."

He put the young man into his car and turned to him.

"I'm not a kk-kid." The young man frowned.

"Where to?" Reid asked, sorry he had gotten involved.

"I'm not a kid.  I'm Luke."

"Where to then, Luke?"

The young man grinned suddenly, "Where do you want to take me?" he smiled. Despite himself, Reid caught his breath. He had not really seen the man's face in the bar clearly. Now he could. The guy was beautiful. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown, his skin smooth and glowing, and his lips- those lips- God.

Reid swore to himself. This is why he hardly ever helped people. What had made him think -

Then Luke leaned in and tried to kiss Reid on the lips.

The kiss was quick and sloppy. Reid pushed him off.

Luke slumped over and buried his hands in his hair.

"Just take me to the farm," he mumbled.

Reid glanced at him.

"Can you direct me there?"

Luke nodded. "Sure."

Luke's whole face looked bruised, sad.

Reid wanted to question him, but then thought better of it. He followed the Luke's directions and they drove through the night.

Luke turned his face to the window. He could still feel the booze in his whole body. He was giving the man directions to the pond - far  enough away from his actual family home. He would hide out there for the night. It always made him feel better. His mind flashed on Noah and Ameera, probably fucking right now, and he felt his guts twist. Nobody wanted him. Not Noah. Not the guy driving him, a totally hot looking guy too. No, only that old fart at the bar had wanted him. Luke fought back tears. He was every kind of loser.

Noah had kept putting off sex with Luke. He always found excuses - his father or the army or whatever.

"Here," the guy, his name was Reid , said and pulled up at the pond. "Where is your house?"

Luke shrugged.

"Thanks for the ride," he told him and got out. Luke wanted to swim. He wanted the water to wash away this night forever. Luke pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes.

"Hey," Reid called out. "You can't go swimming now." Reid rushed out of the car.

"Why not?" Luke's tone was belligerent.

Reid rolled his eyes, " The water is cold, it's dark, your'e drunk...You're not the brightest bulb in town are you?"

"Shut up!" Luke yelled and Reid stepped back in surprise at the anger in his voice. "I'm sick of people treating me like crap." Luke pulled down his jeans. "I grew up here. It is almost summer. I know this pond daytime or night time. I am a fantastic swimmer, drunk or not."

"Listen, genius, alcohol effects a person's motor skills and decreases balance. You add in swimming and you could suffer hypothermia, your body temperature will -- Hey!" Reid shouted at Luke as he walked closer to the water. He had been ignoring Reid's whole speech.

Reid swore and chased after him.  "Are you that crazy?" He pulled at Luke's arm.

" What do you care? Nobody wants me anyhow. Nobody ever will."

'What is your deal?" Reid asked him. Why would a guy as beautiful as Luke think that?

"My boyfriend just got married," Luke said suddenly. "He wants girls. Not me. I must have not -" Luke shook his head angrily. "Just leave, okay?"

Reid still held Luke by the arm.

"I can't let you go in," he told Luke.

Luke sneered at Reid and then pushed at his arm. Reid pushed back. They wrestled for a moment. Reid held Luke firmly. They both were breathing hard by then, and their faces were close together.

"Let me go!" Luke demanded.


"What are you, a saint?"

Reid laughed. "No, not even close. Most people would say I am a total ass."

They stared at each other another moment. Suddenly, the air was filled with something else, something sexual.

"Your gay, right?" Luke said finally. It came out as a whisper.

Luke's eyes were staring into Reid's eyes.

Reid swallowed and nodded.

"Am I so...unattractive?" Luke asked softly. "Just tell me."

Reid looked at Luke. He took in the blond locks, the puppy eyes, the muscles under his youthful skin. The moonlight was hitting Luke now and Reid sucked in a breath.

"You are very repulsive," he whispered to Luke.

Luke stared at him. Then he smiled slowly.

"Think so?"


Reid touched Luke's cheek. "Your boyfriend sounds like an idiot."

Luke just stared at him.

"Open your mouth for me," he told Luke harshly. Luke did. Reid ran one finger over Luke's mouth.

Then they were kissing. Luke's mouth was warm. He twisted under Reid. Reid ran his hands along Luke's bare back. He knew that he should walk away. But as he told Luke, he was nobody's idea of a saint.

Luke shuddered. Reid was stroking his skin, kissing his lips. .. Noah's kisses had always been, well sweet. But these kisses. Luke felt like he was on fire. He knew he should stop Reid and just tell him to go. But Luke couldn't think; he did not want to think. Luke wanted to feel.

Reid kissed Luke's neck, sucking it softly. He had felt so lonely tonight and sad about Annie. He wanted just to forget his time here. Reid kissed him again. He licked and tasted Luke's shoulder.

"Are you sure?" Reid said suddenly feeling guilty. "You're not too drunk?"

Luke just shook his head. "I know what I'm doing," Luke whispered, even though he truly did not know.

Reid kissed him again. It had been such a long time for Reid. Luke felt so good.

Luke moaned and then began to undress Reid. He pulled off the jacket and shirt and watched as Reid threw off his pants. They were only in underwear now. Lukes eyes grew wider as he saw the size of Reid's erection. He wanted to touch him. He wanted to touch Reid the way he had never touched anybody. Luke pulled down Reid's boxers and dropped to his knees.

Luke was all instinct. He grabbed Reid and licked the tip of his cock. Then Luke looked up at him and Luke licked his bottom lip.

"Can I - can I -?" Luke pleaded.

"Yes," Reid said and thrust himself at Luke's waiting mouth. "Those lips were made for sucking." Luke took Reid into his mouth.

He tasted him and breathed in Reid's musky scent. Luke reached around and grabbed at Reid, kneaded his hard ass.

"God," Reid murmured, stroking Luke's face and shoulder. He twisted his fingers into Luke's hair and pulled him closer.

Luke couldn't believe that he had the power to make this man moan and thrash that way. He loved it. Luke loved having Reid inside of his mouth. He swirled his tongue around and around.

"I'm going to, I - " Reid moaned.

Then Luke was tasting him, swallowing him.

"That was- " Luke tried to tell him he had never done that to anybody before, but before words came out, Reid had pushed Luke down into the soft grass and was returning the favor. Luke's hips bucked wildly. No one had done that to him yet either. He babbled and tried to push at Reid with his hands, but Reid held him firmly in place. He took Luke down, way down into his mouth. Reid sucked expertly at Luke . It wasn't long before Luke came with a triumphant yell.

Then Reid was flipping Luke over. Luke blinked in surprise. He felt boneless. He couldn't imagine doing more. Reid began to kiss him gently all over. He reached around and stroked Luke. Luke then felt Reid's finger at his crack. It began to tease him in ways that Luke had never imagined.

" Reid," Luke's voice was hoarse and urgent. He must tell him. He should really say something. Luke felt his nerves grow. But then he thought about being a virgin forever. If he told him, Reid would stop.

"Hmm?" Reid was asking, "What?"

Luke took a big breath. "Take me," he said. "Take me now."

Reid spat and then stuck in another finger. He wanted Luke ready for him. Luke felt tight.

"Relax," He told Luke. "Relax."

Luke sounded like he was laughing and groaning at the same time. "I am," he answered.

Reid touched Luke again with his fingers, and then Reid followed it with his tongue. Luke screamed into the night.

"Oh- Oh my- "

Reid then grabbed for his pants, found the condom in his wallet and quickly rolled it on. Luke was watching him. He had the strangest expression on his face. Luke's eyes were huge.


Luke nodded.

"You're just...big."

Reid smiled at him then and kissed him. They kissed deeply. Reid's whole body was alert now. Reid broke off the kiss and then Reid was savoring every part of  Luke with his tongue.  Reid's hands glided up and down Luke's cock. Reid used his body to grind up and down on Luke.

Luke was thrusting himself into the grass and moaning. He couldn't stand it. It was sweet agony.  "Please...Please now, right now!"

Reid did not need to be told again. He spread Luke's legs and positioned him.  Then Reid thrust into Luke. Luke felt so tight, so perfect. They fit so naturally together. Reid almost lost it right there.  He calmed himself a moment. Then Reid began to move. Reid rode Luke hard and fast. Luke felt like the whole world was burning up and melting. He could feel Reid's firm mouth pressing against his neck, feel Reid's fingers stroking him more. With every movement, Reid seemed to be even more deeply inside of Luke. Then they were coming at the same time, and Luke felt as if he were falling off the edge of everything.

They were exhausted afterward. Luke could not lift himself up, or even open his eyes. He wanted to talk to Reid. But he was too overwhelmed. He passed out from the sex and drink and all the emotions of the day.

Reid watched Luke sleep. He touched the blond hair that was falling into Luke's face. Boy, the guy used a lot of hair product, Reid thought and had to laugh silently. He had just had some of the best sex of his life with a drunken kid.Then Reid touched Luke's face gently. He covered Luke's sleeping form with his jacket. He made certain that Luke was fine and had no bad effects from his drinking. Then Reid just watched him a moment more.

Reid trembled. Things like that don't usually happen to him. He wanted to stay with Luke. He wanted to do it again. It had been incredible. But the thought of having to talk, to have to face the harsh morning light... Luke most likely would be headed back to his boyfriend or whatever.

Reid watched him a bit longer. Then he got dressed, went to his car, and he drove away.

Luke woke up in the morning to find Reid's jacket wrapped around him. The night came back to him with surprising clarity. He sat up slowly and looked out at the water. He knew he would never see Reid again. He didn't even know Reid's last name or anything. Luke touched his swollen lips. Outside, the air was heavy with the promise of the coming summer, and inside Luke felt that he was forever changed. And all because of a stranger's touch.  

one night only, lure atwt luke and reid, livejournal lure atwt,, rating: nc-17, lure_prompts, reid/luke, fan fiction atwt lure, lure atwt, lure_atwt, fanfiction, author: marsabi

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