Hit and Run Part 9

Dec 14, 2010 07:56

Title: Hit and Run
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Luke and Reid are happily engaged, when Natalie becomes a victim of a hit and run. They fight over her operation. Reid reluctantly operated on her, but it caused Luke and Reid to break off their engagement. At this point in the story, they are trying to work it out.
Disclaimer: Owned by ATWT
Warning: None
Rating: PG

Lily Walsh’s fury boiled inside of her. How dare Reid Oliver be so rude! How dare he question her instincts as a mother? Yes, she had been late to take Natalie to school that day, but she was a single parent right now, and doing the best job that she could! Noah would’ve never talked to her like that. Noah had been kind, thoughtful. Why even during the time he married Ameera, or the time he had turned Luke in for cheating, Noah had been so sweet to Lily…Okay, not always kind to Luke, but still…That boy knew how to honor a mother! Noah used to bring her flowers, massage her tired shoulders, do her laundry. Lily always secretly thought it a shame that Colonel Mayer was a psycho. Too bad he had not been just an older version of Noah - one that was straight and liked women his own age. Lily and Colonel Mayer- now that would have driven Holden crazy! Reid Oliver, on the other hand, had no living parents and was no gentleman. Lily let her fury guide her down the hall. She barely noticed Casey and Ali fighting, or Nurse Gretchen looking at Match.com instead of her nursing files. Lily swung her Coach bag like a weapon and hurried to Bob Hughes.

Inside the Chief of Staff office, Bob and Chris were bickering.

“Dad, you have to think,” Chris scolded. “Remember what I’m telling you .”

Bob shook his head, “I can’t.”

“I know you’re taking the meds; I gave you them myself,” Chris clucked his tongue. “Maybe the disease is just getting worse?”

“No! No, I’m fine. Just a little- “ Bob’s eyes darted around helplessly.

Somebody knocked on Bob’s office door, and flung it open.

Lily marched in. “Bob, we need to talk.”

“Lily,” Chris said smoothly, “Nice to see you. How’s Natalie? How’s the family holding up?” Chris practically oozed charm. He gave Lily his best toothy smile.

“Not good. She can’t speak. It comes out like jumbled gook. And Reid! He won’t tell us a thing! I want another opinion.”

“Well, I could examine her,” Chris offered. “If I wasn’t suspended,” he added under his breath.

“Suspended?” Bob echoed. “When? Why? That’s ridiculous.” Bob honestly had no memory of Chris’ suspension.

“I want her examined, her speech fixed- “ Lily said as tears poured down her cheeks, “I want all of this to go away!”

Bob went over and patted Lily on the back. “It will be alright,” he assured her. Meanwhile, he racked his mind trying to remember what they were talking about.

“Can you look at her Bob? “ Lily sighed. “I’d feel so much better.”

“Absolutely, “ Bob said.

Lily thanked him. She left.

Bob turned to his son, “Chris, you’ve got to help me.”

“Of course dad, “ Chris smiled thinly and took Bob by the hand, “I won’t leave your side.”


Natalie reached up and fingered his bruise, her eyes wide and questioning.
How? ,/i> she wrote.

Luke put a hand to his chin. He had forgotten how beat up he probably still looked. “Oh , it was so dumb, “ he told Natalie. “I just did something stupid.”

Natalie examined him with grave eyes. Then her hands shook as she wrote, Me too

“Yeah, “ Luke agreed solemnly. “Dad told you about your accident and not wearing the helmet, right?”

Natalie nodded.
“That was really, really dumb,” Luke said firmly, “And you never will ride like that again, okay?”

Then, as his baby sister’s sad eyes, Luke relented. He kissed her softly on the mouth.
“And I will stop doing stupid things like fighting. We’ll both just do better, right?”

Luke cleared his throat with emotion. “And now,” he said,” entertainment “

Luke rummaged in the bag he had brought. “Cards? Checkers? “

Natalie shook her head.

“Hmm, how about a book?”

Natalie took out her pen and pad again. You’re stories , she wrote.

Luke made up funny, crazy stories for her a lot. They were better than any book.

“Really?” Luke seemed surprised, but pleased. “Okay.”

He launched into an old story about a mouse living in one of Grandma Emma’s jelly jars.

Natalie smiled up at her brother as he acted the story out.

Luke’s face was goofy.

“You forgot the part where he is all sticky,” Natalie said. She knew the story by heart, and that was her favorite part.

Puzzlement came over Luke’s features and he frowned.

“Sorry,” he flushed, “what again?”

Natalie realized she’d been so caught up in the story that she’d forgotten to write.

“Tell me,” Luke said.

Natalie repeated her words slowly, wanting him to understand. She could hear her slurred syllables.

“Sorry,” Luke said again. His cheeks turned crimson. He knew he was letting her down.

Natalie’s lower lip stuck out in a trembling pout.

"Hey, I’ve an idea,” Luke said softly. “Try to tell me just one word, okay? And I will listen super hard.”

Please, God, let me get this, Luke thought.

Natalie shook her head and crossed her thin arms.

“Come on, “ Luke coached, “you have to try! Please!”

Natalie sniffed.

Luke took his sister’s hand. “Sometimes, things aren’t easy, but we’re Snyders! We try again!”

Luke matched his sister’s pout with one of his own, “Please, Nat? One word.”

Natalie nodded and sucked in her breath. Luke leaned in.

Luke studied her lips and listened intently to the garbled sound.

Then he smiled, “Scared? Right?”

Natalie nodded and beamed.

Luke hugged her hard. He had actually read her lips more than he had understood the voice, but Natalie didn’t have to know that.

“You did it! “ He told his sister. “I’m so proud of you.”

Natalie wiped away a tear.

“I know it is scary.” Luke brushed another tear from her eye, and fought off a few of his own. “But it will be okay.”

He squeezed her gently.

“Reid is the best doctor that I know and he is all yours. And soon the therapists will be here and you can work hard with them. You’ll be your old, chatty self in no time,” Luke teased.

Natalie reached up at him and they hugged some more. He really was the best big brother in the whole world, she thought.

Just then, Lily entered the room. She sat down on the bed and gave Natalie a big kiss.

“Mommy’s here.” Luke made room for Lily.

Luke watched Lily give Natalie a “makeover.” Natalie giggled and was happy. He wished his mother be relaxed like that around him. Lately, they could barely speak without issues and Luke knew why. He sighed.

With a brisk knock, the physical therapist and speech pathologist came in. Reid had not wasted any time sending them, Luke thought, touched.

Then he watched as the physical therapy session started. Natalie was too weak to leave bed yet, but the therapist had her doing hand and foot exercises. She had to flex her fingers and her toes. Luke felt sad as he pictured the way Natalie used to effortlessly dance for him. And now she was struggling to flex her feet.

The therapist made her repeat the exercises several times. Natalie bit her lip with determination. She was trying so hard! Natalie met his eyes and nodded. She was listening to his earlier words of encouragement. She was such a brave kid!

Luke glanced down at his two engagement bands. Maybe he should be taking some of his own advice. He was just waiting and hoping for Reid to take back his ring. Maybe it was time for some action! But what? What should he exactly do?

The answer came to him, and Luke grinned suddenly.

“Mom, Nat,” He called to them, “ be back later.”

They nodded goodbye.

Luke hurried out the door. He quickly took out his cell phone and began to make the calls.


“Reid has put off marrying you!” Holden said, alarmed. “He canceled the engagement?”

Luke waved a hand ,” Don’t blame him. It got complicated with the operation and all.” Luke surveyed his family all around him. “But now I need to get him to say yes- again! And , like I told you guys on the phone, I’m not sure- I don’t know-“

“How to court him?” Emma suggested gently.

“Exactly!” Luke replied. “That’s where I need all of your help.”

“Court smort,” Lucinda dismissed the whole idea. “Just get the man drunk, hop in my jet, go to Vegas and be done with it.”

“Grandmother,” Luke rolled his eyes. “Reid can’t leave Natalie. And can you really see us married by an Elvis impersonator or something?”

Luke had called his family in for help. If his words could help Natalie, then maybe his family could help him. He was truly lost right now. Luke figured this was worth a shot.

“What we need to do,” Emma said excitedly, “Is give Luke a list of suggestions. Romantic things he can do to win his true love’s heart.”

“Grandma Emma’s been watching too many soap operas again,” Faith sarcastically whispered to her dad.

"No, no,” Luke said, “I like that.” He handed out paper and pens.

Emma wrote a note quickly and handed it out to Luke with a flourish. “I did this once for your grandpa Harvey and it worked like a charm.”

Luke wrinkled up his nose,” It isn’t baking , is it? You know I can’t cook.”

“Yes dear, “ Emma agreed , and passed him the note, “I’ve eaten your Snicker-doodles. “

Luke glanced at the paper, “Oh, well, this isn’t bad,” he said.

“Here,” Faith handed him a note, “try mine.”

“Jesus, Faith! “ Luke said and blushed.

Holden shrugged and scribbled down a few quick ideas. “What is Reid going to say about our help?” He asked Luke.

“Oh, no!” Luke said frantically. “Nobody can tell him! He would freak out or something. No, I just want to do this naturally- so he won’t even know he is being… wooed.”

“My turn,” Ethan said, looking up from where he had been playing with his trains.

“Oh, buddy,” Luke bent down to him, “This is grown up stuff. I didn’t even know you were listening.”

“I’m six,” Ethan protested and jutted out his chin. “And my idea for a present is going to be the best one ever!” Ethan had been wanting this himself. He figured if Luke bought one for
Reid …maybe his daddy would get him one too.

Luke smiled, “Right.” He took Ethan’s one word note.

Ethan tugged at his brother’s arm. “Luke, “ he said in a loud whisper, “do mine first!”

Lucinda meanwhile, was writing what appeared to be a novel length of ideas.

“Grandmother, “ Luke laughed, “just give me your top three.”

Lucinda sighed, “Darling, they are all so good! “ Too bad John Dixon was not in town to try out some of these ideas on, Lucinda thought, then cackled wickedly.

Luke took her notes. Then his eyes filled as he smiled at his family, “I really, truly appreciate it,” He told them.

“Of course, dear,” Emma said.

“Whatever,” Faith rolled her eyes with embarrassment.

“Mine first!” shouted Ethan.

“If it fails- Vegas- “ Lucinda patted him, “and a really good sex shop there,” She added in a whisper.

Holden stood up reluctantly, “I just hope you know what you’re doing , Luke,” he told him. Holden just could not picture Dr. Reid Oliver enjoying being romanced.

“Oh, I do,” Luke said, flashing his dimples and rubbing his hands together eagerly, “ He will be Dr. Oliver-Snyder in no time!” Luke practically giggled with delight; he had so many “dates” to plan!


His snacks were stuck. Damn!

Reid banged on the vending machine glass a few more times. He just wanted to leave the hospital for the day already, grab a pizza with the works, and eat it in bed with Luke. Reid sighed. He couldn’t go yet. He needed to check on Natalie some more; he was just waiting for Titanic Lily to clear out.

He also had two new trauma patients.

So no pizza, no Luke, no simple pleasures. Reid banged the machine some more.

“That junk will rot your brains,” A voice called out, “You should know that.”

With a sour face, Reid moodily turned around and examined Chris.

“Well, at least I have some brains to rot. “ Reid drawled. He gave Chris a dismissive wave, “Shouldn’t you be up some poor girl’s skirt right now?”

“My father called me,” Chris said defensively, “he needs me.”

“Bob doesn’t need you,” Reid snapped. He went back to banging the glass, “He needs better snack machines , maybe an expresso bar - not his dim-witted son.”

Why hadn’t he requested an expresso bar with the new neuro wing? Ah, oversights.

Reid glanced at Doogie. He had not forgotten the injuries to Luke’s face.
Reid laced his fingers together and lazily stretched out his hands. Well, if he couldn’t have food at least he could have some fun.

“So, since you spoke with your dad, I suppose you know?”

“What?” Chris frowned.

“His job. He is again thinking about retirement - but this time for real. “

“So, he wants us to compete again?” Chris said.

“Yeah, ‘fraid so. He asked me to write a thousand word article on what I would change in the hospital policies. “ Reid gave Chris a serious, searching glance. “Didn’t he mention it?”

“No,” Chris, sat down in a chair. “A thousand words?”

Reid shrugged, “By Monday. I guess he is not even considering you as a candidate anymore - “

“He is too! Or he will soon!” Doogie replied hotly.

Reid decided to push some more. “Oh, so you have your tux ready?”


“To take Mona Cross to dinner on Saturday?”

“This coming Saturday?”

“Don’t worry,” Reid gave him a friendly pat, “With your fantastic people skills, I’m sure you will rise to the occasion.”

Chris took out his phone and began to scroll down for tux rentals. “I’m not worried, “ he snapped at Reid.

“Good, cause Luke has already booked a top restaurant for me to take her to...” Reid swallowed his laughter, as Chris furiously typed in fancy restaurants. It wasn’t nearly enough payback for what he’d done to Luke,but it was a start.

With a grin, Reid left Doogie to his search.

Chris scowled at the closing door. He would have everything he wanted. He would! Reid might be more prepared for the Chief job right now, but Chris had things in motion already that Reid knew nothing about . Chris smiled deviously. By the time Oliver put anything together, it would be too late. Way too late.

a/n: I had to post part ten again by itself(you can find it at the end of the story). I'm trying to move it here -sorry for this problem!! Here should be a link to ten (you might have to then go and back it up to 11) So sorry! http://marsabi.livejournal.com/25433.html

hit and run, marsabi, lure atwt luke and reid, fan fiction atwt lure, reid/luke, author: marsabi

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