Hit and Run Part 8

Dec 13, 2010 11:52

Title: Hit and Run
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Natalie has been a victim of a hit and run.
Warning: None
Part 8

When Natalie opened up her large brown eyes, she immediately saw the faces of her family all around her. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion. She could tell that she was in a hospital bed and that somebody had decorated it with ballet bears and tutus, but she had no idea why she was here.

“Natalie?” A voice called to her.

“She’s awake!”

“Oh my God! Natalie, we’re here!”

“It’s okay!”

“My baby!”

“Calm down, now!” Dr. Oliver snapped. They immediately all stopped, and Dr. Oliver approached her bed. Natalie felt achy all over and her skin suddenly itched . She raised a hand to scratch and stared at the IV drip attached to her arm in shock. She gave a small moan.

“Natalie, don’t try to talk yet -you have a tube down your throat. I’ll have a nurse come soon and remove it, okay? Just blink your eyes once for yes.”

Natalie blinked.

The room erupted in cheers .

“Quiet!” Dr. Oliver sternly told them. “Or you’re all leaving this room.”

“Do you know why you’re in here?” He asked her.

Natalie shook her head.

“You were in a bad car accident on your bike,” Dr. Oliver told her bluntly.

Natalie searched her mind to make sense of that, but it was all a blank.

“It’s very normal not to remember,” he said. Dr. Oliver added, “The memory might return .”

“Now, let’s just check you out a little. “ He turned her head to the right and looked into her ear.

“Ahh, what do we have here? “ Dr. Oliver asked her. “Looks like some peanut butter in there.”
He turned and examined the other one. “And more peanut butter,” He teased her as he looked in.

Natalie wanted to tell him that she wasn’t a baby like Ethan. He didn’t need to make silly jokes.

But Dr. Oliver was already shining a tiny light into her eyes.

“Follow this, okay?”

Natalie watched the light, moving back and forth.

“Terrific,” Dr. Oliver gave her a melting smile; the kind she had only seen him give to Luke.

It made Natalie feel proud for some reason. She glanced at her brother. He was watching Dr. Oliver with a soft expression.

“You’re doing great!” Her dad said.

“Of course, she’s part Walsh,” bragged her Grandma Lucinda.

A nurse came in.

“Remove the tube,” Dr. Oliver ordered.

Natalie felt it pull out of her throat painfully.

“Swallow,” The nurse told her kindly. “It will be dry a little. Sore.”

“Okay,” Dr. Oliver said to her. “Now just a few questions. Simply things. “ He patted her hand. “Tell me…your address.”

Natalie said her address.

Only, the words did not sound right. They came out all funny and garbled.

Her family began to rush to her.

Dr. Oliver held up a hand.

“You’re throat is sore, like the nurse said. Have a sip of water, and tell me again.”
Natalie sipped the water with the help of the nurse. Then she said her address.

Natalie’s eyes went wide with fear. The words were unclear nonsense. Not words at all!

She looked at Dr. Oliver with panic on her face.

“Oh God!” Her mother grabbed at her. “My poor girl!” She began to sob hysterically and hug Natalie.

Seeing her mother get so upset, made Natalie suddenly terrified, and she cried out fearfully.
Lily only cried harder, unable to comfort her.

Natalie saw Dr. Oliver give Luke a look, and something passed between them.

“Mom,” Luke said firmly, “ let’s just step outside a second. Please?”
Lily was about to refuse, but Luke took her insistently by the arm and told her again. He led
Natalie’s mother away and looked back at Dr. Oliver, who nodded at him. Luke and Lily went out into the hall.

“What does this mean, Reid?” Her father was asking, a pinched look on his face.
Dr. Oliver looked only at Natalie. He cupped her face very gently.

“Natalie, “ he told her. “Do you know how when you go to the dentist, he sometimes will give you a shot to numb your mouth? “

Natalie bit her lip and nodded.

“Well, your brain is kind of numb right now. Like that. Understand?”
She nodded again, her brown eyes glued to Dr. Oliver’s. He was Luke’s boyfriend and he was very honest with Luke. That’s what Luke always said. So he must be telling her the truth too. Natalie found his blue gaze comforting her. It was so calm.

“So,” he was saying,” here is what we can do for now.” He took a prescription pad and pen out of his pocket. “We can have you try and write a little- not much- a few words. And we will let the numb part of your brain relax. “ He handed her the pad and pen.

“Now, it might be hard to write too. Your hands have not been moving a lot.”

Her tiny hand did shake a little, but Natalie focused on the pad. She offered it to Dr. Oliver with her correct address written.

Dr. Oliver smiled at her. “Great job!”

He had Natalie write or blink some more answers: her full name, her favorite food... Stuff like that. He listened to her heart and pinched her toes and did a bunch of other tests. Natalie was embarrassed at first by the exam, but soon she just grew tired.

“Natalie?” Dr. Oliver said softly. “You look like you’ve had enough. Just rest, okay?”

“I’ll stay with her,” Her dad offered.

Dr. Oliver nodded. “Yes , okay. We do it in shifts like before. Everybody else goes. Holden stays. We rotate.”

Natalie’s eyes were growing heavy. It felt like an undertow dragging her to sleep. She wanted to try and stay awake and be brave and grown up, but her head felt foggy. She was barely aware that they left.


Reid walked with the rest of family out into the hallway.

With his arm around Lily, Luke jumped at the sight of Reid.

“Well?” Lily demanded. “What about her speech?”

“Is is permanent?” Luke asked hoarsely. His big brown eyes a mirror of Natalie’s.

“Look,” Reid told them honestly, “It’s just way too early to know that. Natalie did suffer a minor stroke and this is not uncommon. We also need to get her on her feet and see how the rest of her body function is…”

Lily shook her head dumbly, “What does that mean?”

“Just that she might need therapy soon. Physical therapy. Speech therapy. “

Lucinda intruded on the conversation, “I will fly the best therapists from around the world here. Money is no object.”

Luke looked frightened. Reid took Luke’s hand and squeezed.

“It might be that her speech problem clears up quickly,” he told them reassuringly, “but we can’t tell yet.

Just then, Jack Snyder came up to the group.

“How is she?” Jack asked. “Does she recall the accident?”

Lily shook her head, “It doesn’t seem like it.”

“But she will regain that memory?” Jack asked Reid.

Reid shrugged,” I really can’t say yet.”

“You can’t say much for sure, can you?” Lily snapped at him.

“Mom!” Luke protested.

“I’m sorry Luke, but I may want another opinion altogether. It seems like we should know more than wait and see.” Lily met Reid’s eyes with an icy challenge.

“Well,” Jack said. “I’d like to go in and question her. See if I can jog her memory. “

“Fine,” Lily told him,” I want you to catch this person.”

“No way,” Reid said calmly.

“What?” Jack said.

“No way are you questioning her now,” Reid told him.

“But I need to!” Jack looked upset. “I need to know what she might remember.”

“She just woke up from major brain surgery. No questions,” Reid repeated.

“Look , I’m her uncle! I’ll be gentle! I won’t upset her.”

“I don’t care who you are! Nobody is asking her anything yet. She needs to rest.”

Jack frowned and thought about trying to just go past Reid.

“Luke,” Jack said, turning to him, “Tell him I won’t upset Natalie. Will you? We need to find out answers.”

Luke looked at Jack. “I’m sorry,” he told him, ”But I trust Reid with Natalie’s care one-hundred percent.”

Concentrating on Jack, Luke missed Reid’s grateful glance.

“Oh, look at the time,” Lucinda suddenly said. “I’m supposed to pick up Faith and Ethan from Emma now.” She tapped Reid’s shoulder. “Call me.”

Reid nodded.

Lucinda blew Luke and Reid some air kisses, and gave Lily a warning look. Then she left.

“Look,” Lily said a moment later. “ I agree with Jack. We need to know who hit my little girl.”

“The guy is getting away with it, “ Jack said, “Nobody wants that. We all want justice for Natalie.”

“But we also want Natalie well,” Luke said reasonably. “And that comes first.”

“A few questions,” Jack pushed.

“Yes, just a few,” Lily was nodding.

“As long as I’m her doctor, “ Reid replied,” No questions right now. “

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t be her doctor,” Lily said flatly.

“Okay, that is enough -“Luke started to defend Reid, who put a restraining hand on his

“You have the right to seek out other options,” he told Lily. “But you need to stop thinking about your own guilt as a mother and start focusing on Natalie’s actual care.”

“How dare you? “ Lily said. She flushed because Reid had hit a nerve. “I’m going to talk with Bob,”

Lily walked off in a huff.

“I’m sorry,” Luke said.

“Is your name Lily?” Reid demanded. Luke shook his head. “Then don’t apologize.”

“You really won’t let me go in?” Jack interrupted them .

“No,” Reid’s mouth twisted up in irritation. “Go back to the police station and read a Cops for Dummies manual, or whatever it is you do there.”

“This is why police have so much trouble making arrests. Doctors like you getting in the way .”

“Yeah,” Reid drawled, “I’m funny that way- wanting my patients to get well. “

“You’re stopping the wheels of justice, remember that!”

He gave Reid an angry glare and stomped off.

“I guess I won’t be getting any good citizenship awards,” Reid commented to Luke and snapped his fingers in mock disappointment.

Then he studied his boyfriend’s face. “Earth to Luke?”

“Oh, sorry. Yeah. I was just thinking how I need to go and talk to Margo. “ His face was one of dread.

Reid nodded. “Want me to come with you?”

Luke blew out a breath. “Would you? I’m going to text my Dad about it too, but he is with
Natalie right now. And the thought of going there alone… This whole thing is getting ugly. “
Reid gave Luke’s shoulders a quick rub. “Give me time to check on a few more patients and then we can go.”


The police station was small, dimly lit, and stank of old coffee.
Luke and Reid sat down in Margo’s office, waiting. After hearing about Luke’s suspicions, Margo had gone to question Jack. Luke stood by the door anxiously, while Reid plopped down in Margo’s chair.

“You know,’ Reid said dryly, “We could still go home, forget this, and have some fun?” Reid picked up a pair of handcuffs off Margo’s desk and twirled them in the air. He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

“What?” Luke grinned, “You want to play cops and robbers?”

“Why not?” Reid said, “You made me play doctor and nurse that time.”

“That was for your job as Chief,” Luke protested.

“Hmm,” Reid eye- flirted with Luke, “I think you just were hoping I’d get you the little white cap and skirt.”

“Oh so now we’re into costumes?” Luke blushed. He had thought about a nurse’s outfit once or twice.

“I can still see you that day,” Reid continued, “wearing my stethoscope and swooshing around.”

“Hey,” Luke protested, “I don’t swoosh!”

“Uh, strut?” Reid suggested.

Luke gave him an insulted frown.

“It was a manly strut,” Reid quickly added. “I liked it.”

There was a beat of silence.

Reid sighed, “Okay ,”I’ll apologize. “

There was another beat of silence.

“That’s it?” Luke exclaimed. “That was the apology?”

Reid shrugged. “Sorry. I blanked out a moment.” He cleared his throat. “ I was thinking about you as a nurse again and taking my temperature the old fashioned way.”

“Enough about that day and nurses,” Luke dismissed.

Luke walked around Margo’s desk nearer to Reid and the handcuffs. “ Let’s go back to cops and robbers.” He bent down close to Reid’s face.

“You,” he pointed at Reid. “ Are going to be very bad criminal who must be immediately tied to my bed.”

Luke fingered Reid’s collar.

“What’s my crime?”

“Being obnoxious.”

“That’s not a crime!”

“It is in Oakdale.”

“Okay, fine. You provide the snacks,” Reid smiled slowly, “and bring your very large gun. And you have a date.”

“Or I could be the robber; you could tie me up,” Luke suggested in a low voice.

“Well,” Reid said mockingly, “You do have a natural bent toward the criminal ways - bribery, fixing elections… .. And last time we were in this building together, didn’t you shove me up against a wall? Add some assault to the list.”

“You know,” Luke crossed his arms, “You deserved to be shoved up against that wall, then and now.”

“That seems to be what you thought last night too,” Reid said, remembering the way Luke had ravished him in their bedroom, “Maybe you’re just a dirty cop at heart. Frisk ‘em and fuck ‘em.”

Luke buried his head in Reid’s chest, laughing. “You never change, do you?’

“Why should I? “ Reid declared, “We both know I’m perfect.”

“That’s it, I am going to-“ Luke’s voice trailed off, but his eyes were gleaming.

“What?” Reid murmured playfully touching the buttons on Luke’s shirt.

“Borrow these handcuffs here and punish you,” Luke threatened.

The door banged open as Margo and Jack came into the office.

Luke and Reid reluctantly drew apart.

“Okay, Luke - “ Margo ordered. “tell us again about Carly.”

Luke told his story nervously, not wanting to look at Jack.

“Is this true?” Margo demanded of him, “Has Carly been drinking?”

“Yes,” Jack shifted around, “But I swear, Carly did not do this! She would never just leave
Natalie by the side of the road- drunk or not!”

“Alcoholics can do a lot of things- “ Margo started to say.

“But not this! “ Jack protested. “Luke, you know how Carly loves Natalie. Sage and Natalie play together all the time.”

Luke flushed . “I know, Uncle Jack, but -“

The door banged open again. Carly stood there. Her designer dress was stained and her lipstick smeared. She had cut her hair off in a pixie cut. It looked as if she had done the job herself with a razor and some Jack Daniels courage.

“Stop!” She shouted out. “I- I can’t let you do this.”

“Shut up, Carly,” Jack roared.

“No,” Carly planted a sloppy kiss on Jack’s lips. She nearly tripped on the way to his mouth, and she paused to stomp her silver, 4-inch heels on the ground. A small piece of toilet tissue was stubbornly clinging to her left foot.

“I-I’m not drunk,” she added, clearly drunk.

Jack gallantly bent down and pulled off the piece of toilet tissue.

“Thanks,” Carly gave him a seductive smile.

“We need to know if you were drinking the day of Natalie’s accident,” Margo said to her.

“Don’t answer, Carly,” Jack warned. “You need an attorney.”

Carly waved his concern away.

“Jack did not know I was drinking that day,” She told Margo.

“But he knows you are drinking again. And didn’t report it to me,” Margo gave Jack an icy look and he bowed his head in shame.

“H-he loves me,” Carly gushed.

“Carly-cakes,” Jack whispered back. They tongued each other.

“If I wasn’t already gay,” Reid said to Luke, “this would turn me right now,” he pointed to
Carly’s darting tongue and glazed eyes.

Luke elbowed him to be quiet. Reid let out a long-suffering sigh. Then he spied the doughnuts.

Reid eagerly went over to the box.

Margo was pointing a finger at Carly.

“I’m sorry, Jack,” Margo said. “ But I must ask Carly - where were you that morning?”

Carly cried and spider-web lines of black mascara ran down her face. “I don’t know. I don’t remember.” She looked at Luke pleadingly. “But I don’t think I did this. I-I blacked out that day.”

Margo shook her head sternly, “We going to book you. And in the meantime, I need to see your car. “

Was it wrong that a part of Margo was already seeing her medal of honor for this arrest? Or that she couldn’t wait to give Tom the case to prosecute? She did feel badly for Jack, but it had been years since Margo had done more than bust her own sons.

“You can’t be serious!” Jack was saying.

“Oh, but I am,” Margo gave him her best Dirty Harry nod.

“What?” Carly looked at Jack. “Jack? You said it would be okay?”

“Margo, “ Jack said, “Our kids. Please.”

“Sorry. “ Then she frowned at him.”And you are officially off this case.”

The door banged open for a third time. They all jumped. Holden and Molly rushed in.

“I got your text,” Holden told Luke. He looked at Jack, ”Is this true? You’re protecting Carly over Natalie?”

“We don’t know anything for sure,” Jack said hotly, “Carly doesn’t remember- “

Holden lunged at Jack. Luke held his father back.

Molly waved in a camera man and took a shot of a crying Carly. “This is great for my show,” she said excitedly. Then she saw Holden’s look of displeasure, “And justice for poor
Natalie,” Molly added timidly.

“Just remember that my daughter trumps your cousin,” Holden told her.

“Agreed,” Molly nodded.

“Molly!” Carly protested.

Molly gave a shrug, “Carly, you did this to yourself. “ She only half-meant it; maybe she could do a pity piece on Carly later, when this all calmed down.

The real thing on Molly’s mind were ratings. This was a gold mine! But she flashed Holden a sympathetic smile and figured she could butter him up in bed later.

Luke shook his head at Molly and her camera.

Reid ate a second doughnut.

Jack and Carly embraced.

“I don’t want you anywhere near my family.” Holden told Jack.


Carly was led away by an officer. Molly continued filming.

“I am sorry, Jack, “ Margo said. “But if the car shows any sign of blood or dents…”

“It doesn’t,” Jack told her.”I looked at it,” he added.

“Or fixed it for her!” Holden accused.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Jack said.

“When it comes to Carly,” Holden sneered, “you think with your dick.”

Reid whispered to Luke, “Did good dad just say the word dick?”

Margo waved her hands at them, “Take your family issues outside my department.”

“I want to post her bail,” Jack told Margo. He was thinking about all the times he had
rescued Carly and how this time he had failed. He knew she had been sucking down that red wine again; he had not wanted to fight with her. Now look at the mess. If only he could go back in time and turn that wine into grape juice. When it came to Carly, Jack often thought that he had God-like powers.

“Fine.” Margo answered. “ See the judge.”

“Well, “ Reid offered, “If it’s the same brilliant judge that I had, Carly should be out before happy hour.”

He licked a line of powder sugar from his lips. Luke handed him a napkin.

“I’m going to stay here and make sure she is locked up,” Holden told Luke, “You guys can go “

“Are you sure?” Luke asked.

Holden nodded grimly.

Reid and Luke looked at each other and shrugged. Then they left the police station.


Outside the station, Luke covered his head in his hands.

“Maybe she is innocent; maybe I’ve stirred up all kinds of trouble now.”

Reid came over to him and pushed back his hair. “And if she is guilty and you didn’t report it? Don’t be stupid. You did what you had to do. The rest is out of your hands.”

“What now? “ Luke mumbled.

“I have an idea.” Reid told him. “ Go to work.”


You remember work? Your job? The foundation?”

“Reid, I can’t concentrate right now- “

“Sure you can,” Reid patted his cheek. “Put your mind somewhere else…Give a few cool million to some do-gooder group. “

Luke gave a reluctant smile. “I guess I could try and get something positive done today.” He sniffed. “But I am going back to the hospital to see Natalie in a few hours. “

“Good,” Reid said. “Natalie will need you. “ He let his eyes linger on Luke’s body for a moment.

Luke saw the look, “If you’re gonna tease me about stealing a nurse’s outfit.”

“I wasn’t, ‘Reid denied, “although, it’s very revealing that you’re still obsessing about it.”

Reid put his hand on the small of Luke’s back. “I was only thinking that you could use some rest too.”

“Oh,” Luke felt silly, “That’s it? Well, thank you .” He smiled at Reid sweetly. “I mean it. You didn’t have to come down here and help me with all this. I appreciate it.”

“Ugh,” Reid had a pained expression on his face, “please stop. I’d rather you manhandle me some more than keep thanking me.”

“Oh Doctor Oliver,” Luke said leaning in and kissing him,” don’t you know that I plan to do both… later tonight?”

Reid caught his breath and swallowed hard. “Promises, promises.”

They kissed each other again.

“Hmm,” Luke smiled, “You taste like fried dough.”

“I could go back in there and sneak you a doughnut too,” Reid offered.

“Just so generous,” Luke teased. Then he grabbed Reid by the head and gave him another kiss.

Reid kissed him firmly back. “It will be okay,” he told him.

Luke nodded and took his boyfriend’s hand.

hit and run, lure atwt luke and reid, gay erotica, fan fiction atwt lure, fanfiction, author: marsabi

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