Hit and Run

Nov 29, 2010 15:07

Title: Hit and Run
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Reid and Luke are happily engaged and living together, when a sudden event causes Luke to break it off with Reid. This is also my story for Natalie. I read a lot with Ethan and Faith, but not many stories have her in them. I always loved her for hugging Luke at the end of ATWT.
Disclaimer: Owned by ATWT
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Angst here! Explicit Sexual Content

Part One:
On her way to a school production of The Nutcracker, Natalie Snyder was riding her bike too fast. She loved ballet: the magnificent costumes, the fragile movements of the dancers, the incredible music. The Nutcracker was her favorite though -seeing the dancers shimmer with light. She still caught her breath every time Clara came on the stage. As she pedaled down the road, Natalie was all gangly limbs. But one day she hoped to elegant and graceful. It was too cold a day for a bike ride, really, but there was no snow yet, and she was too impatient to wait any longer for her late mother to arrive home. Lily was shopping and that could take- like- forever. Natalie had been going crazy, standing at the window and waiting. She would miss the opening soon. The nanny had been busy eating leftover Thanksgiving pie with Ethan, and had told Natalie to just relax and watch television, but everything on the TV was so boring . So she had snuck out.
As she rode on now, Natalie thought about how her brother Luke had promised her that he would take her to NYC for her 13th birthday to see a real performance. Natalie was just eleven, but she was already counting down to that special date. She knew Luke would keep his word. He always did. Her older sister Faith sometimes lied about such things, and her parents constantly lied about breaking up and getting back together again, but Luke -he was true. She missed Luke now that he moved out and was engaged to Doctor Oliver. Unlike Faith, away at boarding school, who had done nothing all summer but hog the bathroom and use the computer way too much, Luke had always made time for her. Even Doctor Oliver (Natalie could not imagine calling him Reid ) had been surprisingly fun to have around the house. Whenever he had picked Luke up for a date, Dr. Oliver would take some time and talk with Natalie. He really listened to her answers too, not like her own parents at all. One time, Dr. Oliver had tried to teach her chess, which Natalie had found really boring. Ugh! She hadn’t wanted to hurt his feeling though. Besides, even Natalie could see how happy Dr. Oliver had made her brother. Every time Dr. Oliver had come over, Luke’s whole face would smile, and Doctor Oliver would break out into a goofy, shy grin. Natalie was going to be a flower girl at their wedding too. Luke had promised her a brother and sister dance. Nobody did that, but Luke said they would do a special dance together, since dancing was Natalie’s favorite thing. Then he had teased Dr. Oliver about dancing without mercy. Natalie realized that Dr. Oliver did not know how to dance any more than she knew how to play chess.

Natalie pedaled faster. She had not been able to find her bike helmet and that had slowed down her escape. Now she was even more worried about being late. She rode quickly and finally reached the last, big hill. Her school was just on the other side. The ticket was in her coat. Her face was soft and dreamy, thinking about the music. The cold wind whipped at her long blond hair. She squinted up her big brown eyes and raced down the hill.

Across town, Luke Snyder panted on all fours. Reid had his head pulled back, grabbing at his hair. Hammering into him, Reid made love to him in long, beautiful thrusts. Their bodies moved together, knowing each other’s rhythms. Luke’s belly quivered with need. His eyes were half-closed. He felt Reid lick a salty trail of sweat from his spine. Reid used his body to rock deeper inside of Luke. Sweet and slow, slow and sweet. Luke pressed his body back into Reid. The pressure increased and an exquisite ache filled Luke. He began to tremble and moan.
“Yes,” Reid gasped, “come for me.”

Reid reached his hand around and palmed Luke’s already pulsing cock. He massaged a finger over the slit, and at the same time gave it to Luke harder. Luke climaxed, coming over Reid’s fingers and the bed. He felt Reid’s climax too. They collapsed together in a sweaty, satisfied tangle. Reid was on top of Luke, still inside of him. He kissed Luke’s damp shoulder. They rested a moment. Then Reid slid off and began to cough.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked, immediately patting Reid on the back. “I came in here to give you TLC,” he gestured at a nearby tray of soup and tea, “not have you jump my bones.”

“Jumping your bones is my TLC,” Reid retorted in a raspy voice. “And I’m fine.”

Luke watched as Reid cleaned up and then put back on his Harvard sweats. The slightly baggy outfit and Reid’s curly hair and messy stubble were adorable. Even the sight of his slightly red nose struck Luke as kind of endearing. It made Reid appear more vulnerable today; he was usually so competent-looking. Luke smiled at him. Then Luke fixed up the bed a moment and went over to the tray.

“Sure, sure. You’re fine. ” Luke handed him the tea. “Why are doctors such grumpy patients?”

He’d had to practically wrestle Reid to the ground two days ago to admit that he had the flu.
Luke was happy to see his health was improving now.

“When you see so many awful things, what is a stupid cold?” Reid answered. He made a face at the tea. “Needs whiskey.”

Luke flopped down on a pillow, still naked. He grinned over at Reid. “Well, if you are okay, we could work on some wedding stuff.”

Reid coughed loudly. “Did I say I felt fine? “ Reid tapped his chest. “Guess not.”

“Reid!” Luke pouted at him. “You promised you’d help plan this thing.”

He ignored Reid’s eye roll.

“Just give me your opinion on this.” Luke got up and opened the dresser drawer. He pulled out some cards.

Reid leisurely skimmed his eyes over Luke’s body. “I approve,” he smiled.

Luke made a face. He grabbed his briefs and started to yank them on. “Be serious.”

Reid sighed.

Luke crawled into the bed and snuggled up to Reid. He handed him the cards. “See that one is beige and that is cream.”

“These look identical.”

“I thought you were a genius.” Luke smacked him on the head with a card. “This one is clearly lighter.”

“I’m distracted,” Reid said and nuzzled Luke’s neck, playing absently with Luke’s chest hair.

“Focus,’ Luke commanded. “These are important.”

“For our invitations?”

“No. I haven’t even looked at that yet. These are save- the- date cards.”

Reid frowned at him.

“What?” Luke asked.

“You promised a simple wedding - no fuss. Remember.”

“Yes,” Luke answered, but his lips twitched.

“Well, I’m getting an uneasy feeling that I’m about to marry a debutante at a ball.”

Luke laughed and rubbed Reid’s shoulder. “I am a Walsh, a Snyder, and a Grimaldi …I will make it as simple for you as I can.”


Luke patted Reid’s cheek. “Poor baby.”

Reid twisted his engagement band around on his finger. He still was getting used to it. He was careful of it every time he went into surgery; Reid could just imagine Luke’s reaction if he accidentally lost the thing. It would be a total Luke meltdown.

“Let’s live together,” Luke said suddenly.

“Er- We do live together. For 5 months now.”

“Five months, two weeks, one day,” Luke answered. “And you think living together is awesome.”

“Don’t tell me what I think. ” Reid scowled moodily.
Luke arched his brows up, “Don’t you think it’s awesome?”

Oh crap. Walked into that one, Reid flinched.

He touched Luke tentatively on the cheek and smiled. “Of course, but…”

“See? And being married will be even better. “

“But Luke-“

“Don’t you want a beautiful wedding?” Luke asked.

“I just want you, “ Reid answered simply.

“As your husband?” Luke insisted. His eyes widened, “Right?”

“Yes, yes. “ Reid finally shouted, “I do! I want you be illegally mine in most States.”

Luke threw his head back and laughed, “I know . “

“You know?” Reid pulled back from him. “Oh, that was so not funny.”

He watched with narrowed eyes as Luke went into a fit of hysterical giggling.

“Messing with you is hilarious.” Luke finally admitted. He wiped tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes. Then he snuck a glance at Reid, amusement still on his face. “ Sorry.”


Luke shrugged.

Reid sniffed. Luke handed him a tissue. Reid blew his nose.

“I shouldn’t have teased,” Luke murmured sweetly now and gave him a soft kiss. “I know how sensitive you can be.”

“Hey, I’m not sensitive,” Reid said the word distastefully.

“You cried like a baby when I proposed ,” Luke answered smugly.

Reid got off of the bed. “I was crying about the end of my life as a free man.”


“I liked being a bachelor -answer to no one, simple foods, simple sex life - “ Reid broke off his speech as Luke got up and came to him.

“Now who is a liar,” Luke said. He grabbed Reid and kissed him soundly. Luke used his tongue roughly, pushing his way inside of Reid’s open lips.

A moan escaped Reid. “You’re ruthless, “ he told Luke, cutting off the kiss a moment. “I really hope I give you my germs.”

“That’s a charming thought, thanks.” Luke put his hands underneath Reid’s sweatshirt and fingered at his nipples. Reid practically squirmed.

“That’s it. I want you naked again. I know what to do with you when you are naked.” Reid grabbed at Luke’s firm ass through his cotton briefs.

Luke snickered, “You certainly do.” He trailed one finger down Reid’s collarbone to his lower stomach. Luke smiled when Reid’s breath quickened.

They kissed again. Reid kept his hands on Luke’s face and they melted into each other’s lips.
Luke pushed at Reid and then took in a lungful of air.

“Sex, sex , sex, that’s all you think about,” Luke taunted, but his voice was hoarse. Reid picked him up abruptly and threw him down on the bed. Reid’s eyes were gleaming. Luke gulped.

“I’m in for it now, right?” He said to Reid. He felt his heart lodge in his throat. How he truly loved this man.

Reid was nodding and he climbed on top of Luke, straddling him. ‘I’ve had enough teasing from you.” Reid licked his lips. “My turn.”

“No way, “ Luke pushed at Reid and laughed again, “I get to be inside of you this time around.”

Reid opened his mouth to kiss Luke senseless.

They were interrupted, when Luke’s phone buzzed with a text. “Hold that thought-“ Luke grinned.

He got up and went over to his cell phone, throwing on his clothes.

At that same moment, Reid’s beeper went off.

“Shit,” Reid groaned, “I’m not even on call. Doogie is.” He picked up his pager.

Luke’s text read: Something is wrong with Natalie

“Mom probably just forgot a play date or something,” Luke sighed. “Let me call her.” He glanced over at Reid, who did not answer.

Luke shrugged and went down stairs to get them something to eat. He punched in Lily’s number on his phone.

Reid’s message said: Child coming in was run over by car. Severe head trauma. Come now! BH

Reid moved with lightening speed now. He ran down the stairs and crashed right into Luke, who had been running up.

“I got an emergency -“

“Natalie was hit by a car -“

They both stopped in shock.

“Oh my God,” Luke said, all of the color draining from his face.

Reid rested his hand on Luke’s chest to reassure him. “We can’t know anything yet. It might just be a coincidence.”

Stunned, Luke simply nodded.

“I’ll drive,” Reid told him in the calm voice he took on in any emergency.

Luke was glued to the stairs. Reid gave him a gentle shake.

“Come on, babe, “ he told him,” come on now.”

They grabbed their jackets and the car keys. Then Reid led Luke out into the cold air and they drove to Memorial together.

hit and run, marsabi, lure atwt luke and reid, gay erotica, fan fiction atwt lure, reid/luke

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