
Nov 27, 2010 14:35

Title: Profiles
Author: Marsabi
Summary: Luke wants to fill out dating profiles just for fun, but Reid is not too sure of the plan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: total fluff and sexual content

“Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”
“Do we really have to?” Reid groaned.
Luke bounced up and down on their couch. “Reid, come on! Casey and Ali made a list. “
“Well there’s a couple who could head a brain trust.”
“And they found out they had lots of compatibility,” Luke persisted.
“Luke, we are already living together.” Reid put a hand on Luke to stop his bouncing.
“I know it is just for fun, Reid. A what if- kind of thing.” Luke shot him a grin.
Reid sighed. “I never tried to write a dating profile. Can you honesty see me on Match dot com?”
“The list was from Lot’s of Men in The Sea. “ Luke laughed. “And I filled mine out days ago. Come on.”
“Alright,” Reid nodded. He sat down and wrote the qualities that he desired in a potential mate, “Just remember, you asked me to do this.”
“Right.” Luke held his own list in his hand and waited for Reid to finish.
Luke drummed his fingers on the couch impatiently. He tried to peek at Reid’s writing.
“Just a moment,” Reid told him. He added a few more thoughts. “Done.”
Luke took the paper happily.
Men must not have pierced tongues or be fond of butt plugs
Luke glanced up, “That’s first on your list?” He asked incredulously.
Reid shrugged, “I was brainstorming.”
Luke looked at the next few items.

No continuous use of the word dude, no skipping of basic hygiene, no talking about “feelings.”
“Like that one is a surprise. When is the last time you admitted to having feelings at all?” Luke scoffed.
“I’m strong and silent type.”
“You are not silent,” Luke teased. “I don’t think you know how to be silent to save your life. Remember all of those remarks you made to Mona Cross? Or some of the things you said to Kim Hughes?”
Reid frowned. “Just keep reading. And I think Kim is planning to send me a Christmas card.”
Can’t like strip-mall shopping. Can’t be a secret fan of Dawson’s Creek. Can’t get his news from the E Channel
“You realize your list is all negatives,” Luke groaned as he read.
“What do you mean?”
“And Dawson’s Creek? Reid, you are definitely aging yourself.”
“What should I have written,” Reid asked defensively, “No I -Carly or Jonas Brothers?”
Luke read some more:
No vegans, smokers, or Scientologists. No person who would steal a man’s morning coffee.
Luke frowned. “I share coffee with you. You are seriously caffeine-addicted.”
He read on.
No men who think energy bars are a food group. No men considering getting penile implants.
“Like any guy would tell you about that last one!”
“Remember what we heard about Richard?” Reid reminded him. He waved his pinky finger in the air.
“Well…” Luke shrugged.
“I’ve made my point,” Reid smirked.“ Hey, I have a few more things on there.”
But Luke did not read further. His whole face saddened. “Reid, this is not a profile of what you are looking for in a mate.”
“It’s not?”
“No.” Luke began to crumble it up.
“Let me see your list,” Reid said suddenly.
Luke’s face turned red, “Forget it. You’re right. This is stupid.”
Reid ignored him and grabbed Luke’s list. Luke tried to get it back, but Reid wrestled it away.
Must like cuddling. Love horses.
Reid glanced up, “You sound like a teenage girl in a bad Tom Petty song.”
Reid read more:
Like big family dinners, moonlight strolls and holding hands. Must like loving nicknames and romance.
“Nicknames?” Reid drawled. “Am I supposed to call you Prince Charming as I sixty-nine you in bed or something?”
Luke snatched his list back.
“I wasn’t done reading!” Reid objected.
“Oh, we’re done here.” Luke stormed away. “I am going to take a long bath and try to forget what an obnoxious, non-romantic boyfriend I somehow ended up with!”
“You’re overreacting again,” Reid protested. He was genuinely dumb-founded.
“Add it to your list!” Luke shouted and ran up the stairs without looking back at Reid.
Reid stood up and looked at the now empty staircase. What had gone wrong exactly? Luke asked him to do it and he had…Why were relationships so messy? Reid hesitated. He did not know whether to chase Luke up to their bedroom and demand he calm down, or give Luke some space until he was done being dramatic. Brain surgery was far easier than Luke Snyder.
Reid glanced around their house. He took in all the small keepsakes that Luke had collected over the past year, making their new place a home. Luke had framed articles about the neurological wing, had lovingly placed pictures of them on trips to Dallas and NYC on the wall, and had even made a whole glass display of various chess boards that Luke had bought him for his birthday.
Some of those chess boards Luke had purchased “just because”. Just because Reid had a hard week, or just because the pieces were so beautiful. The most recent board had been made out of delicate, expensive jade. “Just because I love you,” Luke had told him as Reid opened it up in surprise. Just because that was Luke. Reid gulped hard as he looked around. He felt like a total jerk. Luke asked so little of him. He had just wanted a fun account of all the things Reid had always wanted in a mate. And Reid had written that garbage.
Reid could hear the water running upstairs. He sat down on the couch and picked up the list Luke had crumpled up. Reid began to write again.
Twenty minutes later, Luke heard a knock on the bathroom door. Reid tentatively stood there. “Can I come in?”
Luke was in the bath, bubbles surrounding him, his lips tightly pursed. Luke shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
Reid entered the room. He sat carefully on the edge of the tub.
“What?” Luke did not open his eyes.
“A new list.”
“Try it again, okay. Please?”
Luke opened his eyes. He sighed and took the list. Reid smiled and put his pen down near the sink. He watched Luke hopefully.
Must have gone through a kidney transplant. Must have an angelic face, but be hell-on- wheels in bed
Luke moved restlessly in the water, “Does that mean you think I’m easy?”

“No!” Reid answered swiftly. “ Responsive. Beautiful in bed. A good thing.”
Luke kept reading.
Must be kind. Generous. Sweet.
Luke felt his body begin to relax. He read some more:
Must have tangled family tree where there are good and bad dads, and various half-siblings who show up for weddings that never occur. Must have at least one ex-boyfriend with a mean right hook , low intelligence and delusions of grandeur about the movie business.
“Okay,” Luke laughed, “Now you are just taking some easy shots.”
Reid gave him a smile and then began to light some candles in the bathroom and place them around the tub.
Luke finished the list:
Must be patient, especially with fumbling boyfriends not good at romance. Must know how to make a house a home. Must be good at teaching a desperate neurosurgeon the ways of the heart.
Luke sniffed. He wiped his eyes with the back of one hand and finished Reid’s list.
Must know he is loved, now and forever. He will never be allowed to really try an internet date of any kind… because his current lover will never let him go.
Luke looked up at Reid, who had just finished lighting more candles.
“Come here,” Luke pointed at the tub.
Reid grinned. “Make- up sex time? “
Luke laughed. “Right now.” Luke reached up and tossed the list on the nearby sink.
“Thank goodness!” Reid stripped off his clothes, opened up a drawer by the sink, and pulled out a condom. He quickly rolled it on his already erect cock. Reid then slid into the tub behind Luke. Luke half-expected him to just grab him, but Reid nuzzled Luke’s ear instead. He picked up a bar of soap and began to wash Luke’s back. He glided up and down the muscles, moving the soap in gentle circles.
Luke closed his eyes and just enjoyed Reid’s hand gently raining down water onto his naked flesh.
“I’m going to add to my list,’ Reid said, “ already nude boyfriend must like make-up sex, fantasy sex, role-playing sex -“
“Alright already, “ Luke laughed.
Reid leaned into Luke and kissed the back of his damp hair. His fingers began to massage Luke’s shoulders in a moment of quiet.
“Sorry ‘bout before,” Reid whispered.
‘No, I am. The whole thing was dumb.”
Reid caressed Luke’s back, then he cupped more water in his hands and trickled it down Luke’s torso.
“I don’t know much about relationships before you, but what does it matter what we look like on paper as long as we match up in here?” Reid thumped on his chest.
Luke turned around in the tub suddenly, and the water sloshed over the edges. He was now chest to chest with Reid. Luke wrapped his legs around Reid’s hips and stared into Reid’s eyes.
“Make love with me,” Luke told his boyfriend.
“Okay,” Reid answered solemnly, “ but only if I can try out some nicknames as we do it, and afterwards we can take a romantic stroll down Old Town and then eat dinner with your family .”
“Do you ever stop being obnoxious? You were actually sweet for like a moment there,” Luke made a face at Reid.
“There is one sure way to shut me up,” Reid’s eyes gleamed.
Their bodies pressed closer together. Luke prodded Reid’s lips open and entered him with his tongue. Reid kissed him back with an intense hunger. With a moan, Luke slid a hand around the nape of Reid’s neck and offered him another rough, tender kiss. He felt the gasp of Reid’s indrawn breath and licked Reid’s trembling lower lip, sucking gently. They parted for a moment only to drag air into their lungs and then the kissed deepened. Bubbles coated their flesh and Luke dug his fingers into Reid’s hips. He felt the rigid strength of Reid’s erection against him. Reid broke off the kiss and leaned his forehead against Luke’s shoulder.
Luke memorized the way Reid looked then, all flustered and fresh and vital. He pulled at Reid’s hair and forced his face up again.
“Mine,” Luke said harshly, and he slid one palm up to Reid’s cheek. Reid nodded, and then his control seemed to snap. He came at Luke like a starving man. His arms tightened on him, body seized him, and he lifted Luke up slightly. The water was still hot and soapy, and Luke shivered at the heat of the water and the heat of their bodies.
“I need to touch you,” Reid said. His hand dove under the bubbly water and found Luke hard and waiting. He touched Luke intimately, causing Luke to arch back. Reid wrapped his hand all the way around Luke now and pleasured him. Luke felt like he could no longer breathe.
“Jesus,” Reid rasped, and lifted up Luke’s hips again in the water. A few pearl-size drops of pre-come were visible on Luke’s cock and Reid bent down a moment and tasted him. Luke put his legs on either side of the tub and whimpered. Reid raised his head and gently kissed Luke on the mouth, allowing Luke to taste himself on Reid’s lips.
“Please,” Luke groaned.
Reid did not wait any longer; he pulled Luke up and lunged.
The water flew all over the outside of the tub as their bodies joined. Reid rode Luke in hard thrusts and gave him another plundering kiss. Sensations caused Luke to shudder, his feet pushed against the wall for support. Reid called Luke’s name and trembled. He wanted to bury himself in Luke. Luke’s body moved sensuously underneath Reid’s. Reid’s fingers flexed at Luke’s bottom, lifting him even higher, penetrating deeper. Luke gasped and tried to find a place to hold on to Reid’s wet skin. Luke’s body was soon convulsing with pleasure. Reid drove into Luke, forcing him faster and faster to his climax, until it erupted between them.
In a blissful state of exhaustion, they just rested in the tub. Neither even realized the mess of water on the floor or the way the bath was now turning chilly. They were spent.
Finally, Luke spoke. “I want to add another thing to my list, “ he told Reid.
Reid groaned and slowly pulled out of Luke’s body. He still held Luke in his arms.
“Are we back to our profiles again?” He asked. He ran a hand up and down Luke’s hip a moment.
Luke just smiled at his boyfriend with glowing eyes. His expression made Reid catch his breath and Reid’s heart clenched with sudden emotion.
“Okay, tell me the list,” he said to Luke.
Luke just climbed out of the tub and grabbed a towel. Then he took Reid’s list and the nearby pen. He wrote something underneath Reid’s revised list. Meanwhile, Reid also climbed out of the tub. Luke handed him another towel and Luke patted Reid dry with a gentle touch. When he was done, Reid took the towel back and wrapped it around his waist. They shared a smile.
Reid blew out the candles as Luke wrote. Then Reid reached down and drained the tub. Luke still wrote more. Curious now, Reid sauntered over to where Luke scribbled things down and he peeked over his shoulder.
The list read:
I need a mate who is always honest with me. Who is willing to try again when we fight or make mistakes. Who makes me feel desperately wanted. Who makes me know love
Reid put his head on Luke’s head for a moment, pulling him close. Then Reid stretched out his arm and took the list away.
“What are you doing?” Luke asked. Reid had released him and was walking out the door. Luke followed him out of the bathroom.
“Total sap,” Reid told him. He was carefully folding up the list and heading down the stairs.
“Are you throwing it away?” Luke said, his eyes narrowing.
“I’m protecting the evidence.” Reid answered. He walked over to the glass display full of his beloved chess boards. He opened up the case and put Luke’s note inside. It rested lovingly between the jade King and Queen.
Reid turned back to Luke.
“Thank you,” Luke said thickly.
“You’re welcome,” Reid answered and walked over to Luke. He held Luke’s hand. “Just promise me something?”
“No more profiles. “
“I’m not done.”
“What else,” Luke asked slowly.
Reid held up a firm finger. “No duets on karaoke nights at Al’s. No matching outfits at Valentine’s Day. And no demands that I ever have to write you a love poem using all the letters of your name.”
Luke shook with laughter, “I think I can promise that.”
“Then we’re good,” Reid grinned.
Luke did not reply. He simply pulled off Reid’s towel and dropped to his knees.
“Yes, Doctor Oliver,” Luke purred, “We are very, very good.” He opened up his mouth widely.
“Hell-on-wheels lover-,” Reid groaned, “can’t argue that one.” And he let his boyfriend take him over one more time…

marsabi, lure fiction lure, lure atwt luke and reid, gay erotica, rating: nc-17, fan fiction atwt lure, reid/luke

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