FYI - Appearance

Dec 10, 2010 14:27

"I'm told that I take after my mother." - Luke, LSatSoM

Luke's about five foot seven and has a medium build.  He's in superb shape and has nice arms, but otherwise his musculature isn't clearly defined.  He has a mechanical right hand which is visibly a little larger and bulkier than his flesh hand; the prosthesis also includes his wrist and part of his forearm.  It's covered in synthetic flesh, but he usually wears a glove over it anyway.  His left leg is slightly lamed; it tends to turn in slightly but otherwise there's not usually a sign.

He's blue eyed and has a variable hair color; it bleaches to blond given enough exposure to sunlight, and otherwise is a dirty blond/fair brown with gray in it.  The skin on most of his body is scarred, but almost none of it's the kind of scarring that shows as clearly visible lines or shiny patches.  Between bacta and various Jedi healing techniques almost all damaged tissue was regenerated, so the visible scars tend towards tiny indentations and similarly sized raised bumps.  Not very visible in most lights except up close.

His age is difficult to determine.  From a distance or at a glance, he seems to be in his twenties or thirties.  But he's got many fine wrinkles, there's a surprising amount of gray mixed into his hair, his hairline has receded somewhat, his eyebrows have flyaways...  His demeanor also tends to be serene and kind of heavy, making him seem older and restrained.

You can hear some of his voice here, but it's from when he was all of nineteen.  He talks more slowly and has a slightly lower, less enthusiastic voice now.  At times, when he's being more cynical and dismissive than usual, he sounds something like Canderous Ordo.

If you can sense his presence, you can tell that there's something a little odd about him.  He's got "swirling Force", as Jolee Bindo might say, and there's more than a touch of darkness.  But he's very controlled, very careful, and almost unshakably serene.

btw he's a cyborg, [fyi]

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