Speed Racer Review

May 09, 2008 16:08

I'd grown up with the Speed Racer cartoons as part of my life, so I was a bit dubious about what the Wachowski brothers may have done to it in their movie adaptation. But I couldn't judge without having seen it.

Here's what I thought:

Speed Racer
6 out of 10 overall.
Matinee value.
Worth seeing.
Surprisingly good story motivations.

Rated PG
Running time: 2hrs 15mins

Speed Racer, to the Wachowski's credit, isn't trying to be anything more than what it is. But what it is is on steroids! The style of the movie looks as though the Las Vegas strip and the original cartoon series got together and had a crack baby! The thing is, it kinda' works! It's definitely a different take on your usual CGI movie populated with real people!

The brothers also found ways to play to their strengths in movie making with Speed Racer, keeping to as much car action as they thought they could, and even working-in a couple of ninja fight scenes (ala The Matrix)! The cast also carries the day well throughout the film, despite -- or maybe because of -- the tongue-in-cheek moments that absolutely litter the storyline. But in the end, this movie is all about the racing!

And they had way too much fun with the race scenes in this film!

Fans of the original cartoon series will recognize several references to different episodes in the movie. (I caught at least six worked into the storyline, plus dozens of original baddies, like Snake Oiler and Cruncher Block!) The brothers also expand on the world of Speed Racer, giving us an overview from the Mach 4 (not part of the original series), up to and including the introduction of the new Mach 6! And this was all managed with an obviously fond, and nostalgic touch.

This movie is targeted at a more family sort of audience, and it should do well there. The only real problem Speed Racer might have this summer is its competition. People may not give it the chance, which I think -- for the most -- it deserves. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by this film (in a popcorn movie sort of way), though I realize it may not be everyone's cut of tea!
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