(no subject)

Jul 31, 2010 10:03

Yesterday Tom pulled some really ugly brick surfacing off of a dining room wall. I expected it to be faux brick tiles, but no - it was real brick, cut thin into tiles and mortared with cement. Was that really necessary? It's gone now, though, and with any luck we'll soon forget it was ever there. The process was rough on the wall, though, so he's spending the day today with plaster and mesh screens and such making patches.

While he was doing that (I tried to help but was unconditionally useless), I pulled nails out of the baseboards we plan to reuse. When we pulled up the carpets, it became obvious that the baseboards were now hung way too high on the wall (allowing for an inch or so of carpet and padding). So now we have to sand down the thickly built up paint line, repaint the walls, and reattach the baseboards against the floor. Not a hard job, but time consuming. I just hope that as he pulls up the rest of the boards, they stay intact. Moulding is expensive, and I'd rather not replace any more than we have to.

But yeah, the place is coming along. By Halloween (my earliest plan to entertain) the living room and dining room should look amazing (though I can't promise furniture). ^_^;


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