muh0m0r has suggested I post all the pitiful dating-site attempts to get with me. This could be a public service to you single men out there struggling with how to approach women, and a big laugh to all the rest of you. But on the other hand, it's just depressingly sad.
I joined Meetup and Meetin, but so far none of the events/groups appeal to me. People like to go to bars a lot. I really don't like going to bars for the purpose of talking to strangers. Tonight I have tutoring at the Beehive, and I hear there's a knitting group that meets there Mondays. I tried to spot them once before but didn't. I will see if I spot 'em and if they're still knitting when I'm done.
Hey, I have an idea. We'd have to change yoga night, but maybe someone (
jameel?) wants to join the
Scrabble Club with me?