Idol Thoughts v. Late Eight

Apr 07, 2009 20:40

Danny: Oh, goodness, no. I hate this song; it’s so tired. And WTF with the kind of disco arrangement? Danny did okay (except for one part at the beginning that was off key), but that did nothing for me.

Kris: Won a million points with me for the “Can you tell Adam I said ‘hi’” story. Vocal on the song (another one I really don’t like, alas, in a weirdly disco arrangement) was good enough, but like Danny the performance was dull.

Lil: That sounded a lot like Tina Turner, which is both impressive and bad. Lil has, I think, the very best voice in the competition, but just doesn’t pick the right song and give us a picture of what a Lil rounds record would sound like.

Anoop: I wasn’t expecting that! Very enjoyable. And nice control on Anoop’s part, given Seacrest was actively trying to stir up controversy (I was afraid that pre-song ‘interview’ was going to mess with Anoop’s focus).

Scott: Oh, goodness. That falsetto hurt. Horrible vocal, but actually an interesting performance (much better than Danny, Kris, or Lil).

Allison: Good song choice for her. Allison’s voice is so different from other girls her age that she almost has to have big influence over the sound. How hard does it have to be to hear “you’re not likeable” in front of millions? I actually get what Simon is getting at (does Allison stand out as a personality to you, like Adam or Danny?), but that must be difficult to hear, and it’s not something that is as easily fixed as song choice. Allison is not wildly articulate-she’s 16. She’ll get better, with time, but she doesn’t have that right now.

Matt: I started out not liking his voice, but he’s breaking me down with good song and style choices. It’s weird that the less vocally capable contestants are putting together better performances than those who have more natural gifts.

Adam: People keep picking songs I hate (and it’s really hard to do that with all the entries coming out of the 80s). Seriously, does anyone want to buy a record of that (Simon, I guess).

Best tonight: Allison, Matt, Anoop
Worst tonight: Scott. By miles, America.
Will go: I’m perplexed by Allison’s inability to build any kind of fan base. I think the bottom three is going to be Allison, Scott and Kris, with Scott or Allison getting the lowest number. But if it is Allison, I expect the judges will save her.

idol thoughts

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