So, it's been awhile, hasn't it?
First off - the PC is alive. I'm down to 512MB of RAM now, but it's DDR400, so it's MUCH faster then the old PC133 - which I sold to a guy a t work for a low (albeit fair in my mind) price. Everything is working nicely, thank you. I'm dirt $#%^ poor, but it's working.
Work... gah. I should find out this week if:
1. I got the job in the quality dept. Small raise, but the hours are M-F, 9-5. Not a lot of room for advancement.
2. I get an interview for a management position in Brandon. Big raise, but shift work and it means movign to Brandon.
3. And whether or not the mgmt. training program is ever going to post here. Waiting for that. No raise, no change, really. Jsut means I'll be trained to take over a team in the near-ish future.
Other news - I've met a great woman, and it's going well.
Ok, we've had three dates, so far, and I may be jumping the gun. But those three dates were across three consecutive days. The third was at her request, though. We both seem pretty keen on each other's company.
It's been kinda whirlwind so far, but we're not sick of each other or picking out flaws... we're like a couple of teenagers. It's pretty sad, actually. You'd see us together and puke, I'm sure.
I'm sure you'll here more about her here in teh future. I'm hoping so, anyways...