Oct 08, 2008 12:21
My life is lurking in the basement on a zombie work all night sleep all day schedule, but I'm getting lots of pages done. I wrote about 50 pages worth of story on black circle and I've got the first issue (30 pages) pencilled and inked. I'm 6 pages into the second issue, so good times. I'm psyched for the damn thing! Its rocking!
I wrote a bunch more, but this house has a retarded internet turns off when the phone rings issue, so everything I wrote evaporated into internet purgatory.
Craqued I totally changed all the hooded demons into ash creatures, so you rock!
Heres some new pagies and the new cover thing. No lettering because I've been doing that on typing paper. I edit way too much, so I didn't feel like screwing up pages with lettering I'm not even going to use.