Jun 07, 2002 16:58
I suppose the change has come with good timing. Tonight my sister shall be graduating from High School and moving onto college. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad that she'll be moving on. But I hope all goes well with her.
In any case, as I've been reading through things it has me thinking in different ways then I have before. Why do people hate? Why do people hate each other? Why must they have to spill blood to prove a point?
I don't believe in Satan, you give evil a name and you give it power. So I simply can't help but ponder why people act the way they do... makes me sad that innocent people must suffer while others fight without remorse for them... All for beliefs. Amazing and almost frightening though that people would be so vicious over such a thing, spiritual beliefs especially. But is it truly considered holy to kill someone? Makes me sad... Disease... famine... war... why must it happen?
Another thing that made me sad. I was talking to Kathy earlier today and she mentioned something I had heard before, but hadn't thought of in awhile. It is said that those who don't believe in God will go to Hell regardless of if they were good people or not. I don't believe that, yet it saddens me to know such a rule is thought of in the Christian faith. That's another thing I don't believe in is Hell, I believe everyone is to be reborn over and over again. I just wonder if it is a sin to have your own mind set. If it is then I accept what may come, but I shall not live in regret. ^_^
Jenna, good luck in the future
We may have quarreled in the past
But you will always be my beloved older sister.
I love you! Good luck in life!