26 Day Six

Dec 21, 2006 06:12

Today was pretty awesome. I saw the movie Rocky Balboa (I had to go alone since no one else wanted to see it.) and then I had to wait at home for people to come over and buy some furniture. The people never showed up so I ended up going to the gym at around 8:45. Luckily it doesn't close until 11pm on weekdays. I had a RockStar Energy drink beforehand for some kickass boost. (Even if it might all be in my head.)

So yeah. I get there and the treadclimbers are open but I've really gotten into actual running on the treadmill. So I begin.

1,000 calories.

60 minutes - treadmill interval running
8 minutes - treadclimber

I ran for 60 minutes. Although that is a little decieving because I ran in 15 minute spurts. Each one totalling 220 calories. I will say that my running has gotten ALOT better in just the week that I've been doing this.

Music makes a big difference though. I'm perfecting my current running play list. I'll post it here soon and even upload them for download.

I ate on the higher side of calories again. I think it was around 1600 today. I might try to lower that by about 200 tomorrow, just for a zig zag effect.

Some promising news on the actual 'weightloss' side. I think I've broken past the 5lb water barrier and lost some actual weight. Remember, I lost 5lbs of water that FIRST day and haven't been able to get down past that, until now. I'm down another two pounds. So not taking water loss into account, the scale reads that I've lost SEVEN POUNDS so far.  But it's really probably 3-4 actual pounds. Still awesome. I'm getting REALLY cut now, and I'm not really starving.

If you did the easy math, it's like I only consumed 600 calories (that's what the eating disorder starving kids aim for (or less)) but I still got all the benefits of 1,000 MORE calories. Yeah. I really don't understand people when they're trying to lose weight by JUST not eating or not eating enough without exercise. It just slows your metabolism down too much and then not causing any weightloss.

So, my lower belly fat is disapearring and my back is finally beginning to get cut. (I hold a lot of fat back there.)

The thing that's great about running compared to the treadclimber is that even though I get more tired the longer I go, I run that initial 30 minutes pretty hard and I'm getting that Afterburn effect. Even though I'll technically burn MORE calories on the treadclimber DURING exercise, because of the afterburn effect from running HARD on the treadmill, I'll burn MORE calories over the course of the day .

Sounds good.
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