Sokka the 25th - [Accidental Thoughts]

Apr 25, 2010 13:00

[Sokka is busy sitting in the smithy. There's not much work to do lately, now that the New Feather cycle is winding to a close, so he's trying his hardest to get comfortable on the new couch. It's not working. His journal is lying next to him and happily recording his thoughts for all to hear.]

(( You'd think Raphael could pick a better couch. But no! This one is like a rock! I know he probably can't appreciate the subtleties of a comfort with that shell of his, but hey, I liked our old one! Stains? Who cares about stains. We could have thrown a blanket or something over it. I wouldn't have cared. Not like it would have happened if he hadn't been playing with that blowtorch anyway.

Of course, I'm probably the only one who cares. I doubt Edward ever uses it. I don't know if that guy even knows how to relax. And Winry is always at her workbench anyway. Or gardening with Haruki of all people. I don't know what she sees in the guy. Sure, he's an okay guy and maybe his Brigade isn't a complete waste of time, but still. The guy is a complete jerk. I don't think this Batmannychan guy is even all that bad to begin with. That so called paperweight probably belonged to him anyway. At least, not according to Luka.

[At this point, a brief image of a nude Luka flashes in his mind. It's hastily replaced by the image of a clubbed seal and Sokka hauling it off.]

Boy I could go for some fried tiger seal meat right now. I wonder if they even have that here? I guess I could ask Katara, but she'll probably find some way to turn it into a lecture. And then she'll punch me in the arm. Why do girls keep doing that to me? Katara, Toph... even Winry is doing it now. At least Ty Lee doesn't do it. And Suki never did it either! That's my kind of girl. Nice, friendly, and doesn't hit me. Fortunately this rules Azula out. Thank the spirits for that.

... spirits. I wonder if that wolf god will want to play fetch again. She was really good with... wait... ))

[Sokka stops as he looks up and sees the bubble above his head OVERFLOWING with words. And then to his horror, his journal is wide open just over there. Daaaaaaammit!]

*charlotte, [thoughts!?], *azula, *ginko, *kamui, *ty lee, *brook, *winry, *edward, *katara, *luka, *selphie, *raphael, *minato, *adell, *tormod

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